- He administer a large pension fund. 他管理一大笔养老金。
- It takes brains to administer a large corporation. 管理大公司要有头脑。
- The police handle the traffic very efficiently. 警察把交通管得井井有条。
- You should work more efficiently. 你得工作得更有效率。
- The area which a bishop administer have one cathedral and many smaller church. 一个主教所掌管的地区包括一个大教堂和许多较小的教堂。
- One appointed to administer an estate. 地产管理人被委任管理地产的人
- It is hard to work efficiently in such a confined space. 在这样狭小的空间里工作很难提高效率。
- Judges administer justice and punishment. 法官执行审判和量刑。
- The duty of a judge is to administer justice, but his practice is delay it. 法官的本分是执行法律(主持正义), 惟其所行者,却是在拖延(其执行)。
- The duty of a judge is to administer justice, but his practice is delaying it. 法官的本分是执行法律(主持正义), 惟其所行者,却是在拖延(其执行)。
- This liquid conducts heat energy very efficiently. 这种液体能十分有效地传导热能。
- Administer the ointment twice everyday. 每天两次搽用这药膏。
- He administer a large hedge fund. 他管理一个大型对冲基金。
- This oil lubricates efficiently. 这油能有效地起润滑作用。
- A rod from a birch, used to administer a whipping. 桦树的嫩枝,用作教鞭
- To administer(laws, for example). 实施、执行(如法律)
- To administer or dispense, as a sacrament. 主持或分发,如圣餐
- Roger spat efficiently into the hot dust. 罗杰不住地往灼热的灰烬中呸呸吐着唾沫。
- He did the job quite efficiently. 他做那件事很有效率。
- Washing powders containing enzymes are said to remove stains more efficiently. 据说含有人造酶的洗衣粉去污力强。