- Could I adjust to Chinese life at72? 七十二岁的我能适应中国的生活吗?
- Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. 宇航员在飞行中必须适应失重状态。
- He made a quick adjustment to the new environment. 我很快就适应了新的环境。
- They should make adjustment to the new environment. 他们应进行调整以适应新环境。
- We must adjust to the bad economic situation. 我们必须调整以适应恶劣的经济形势。
- Adjustment to planetary environment. 行星环境的修正。
- adjustment to surplus [经] 调整盈余额
- They will make adjustment to my salary this month. 从这一个月开始公司将对我的薪金作。
- It took Wayne almost a year to adjust to army life. Wayne花了将近一年的时间才适应军中生活。
- Becky cannot adjust to modern city life. 贝基过不惯现代化的城市生活。
- Items properly adjust to different form sizes. 项适合不同窗体大小的方式。
- So it's hard to adjust to city life. 所以;你很难适应城市的生活.
- He could not adjust to the cold climate. 他不习惯寒冷的气候。
- I've made a few minor adjustments to the seating plan. 我对座次表作了小小的调整。
- I can't adjust to living on my own. 我无法适应独立生活。
- Easy to adjust to the desired length. 可随意调节长度。
- Is it difficult to adjust to the new life here? 适应这里的新生活困难吗?
- She found it hard to adjust to working at night. 她发现很难适应夜间工作。
- B: So it's hard to adjust to city life. 所以来到城市你很难调整生活。
- Third Step:adjust to make the pose be harmonious. 步骤三:最后调整,确认人物动势协调。