- Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 可能有必要调节一下镜头。
- The adjustment of the interest rate will moderate. 利率的调整将会放缓。
- Need we make any adjustment of this machine? 我们有必要调整这台机器吗?
- Improper adjustment of differential bearings. 差速器轴承调整错误。
- Who will pay for the adjustment of urban planning? 谁为城市规划调整埋单?
- Buil-in focus adjustment device for adjustment of. 具有调焦装置,可以进行散光和聚光调节。
- Date adjustment of management fee collection. 回复:调整物业管理费收费日期。
- adjustment of posture 调身
- Easy adjustment of stitck length by push button. 本机采用手压式区分针距,方便操作者操作机器。
- Adjustment of 1m Reflective Cassegrain System[J]. 引用该论文 吕洪方;易帆.
- Adjustment of driving center/tailstock height. 调节线盘中心与顶尖高度。
- Automatic or manual adjustment of Cfast and Cslow. 自动或手动调节快电容和慢电容补偿。
- If it conducts the phrase of posture in the sentence, it is a preposition. “为了”引导体词性词语,则为介词;
- It is the handwheel adjustment of the kerosene stove wick. 这是煤油炉炉芯的手轮调节处。
- Financial provision or adjustment of property rights ordered by a court for a spouse or child in divorce proceeding. 法院命令的,为离婚诉讼中一方配偶或孩子进行的经济上的提供或对财产权的调整。
- Desktop applications fit into four categories of posture: sovereign, transient, and daemonic. 桌面应用可以分为3种姿态,即独占、暂时和后台。
- Carry out an adjustment of manifold economic structures. 进行多方面的经济结构的调整
- From the perspective of posture, look-and-feel is not solely an aesthetic choice: It is a behavioral choice. 从姿态的角度来看,外观和感觉不仅仅是审美上的选择,而是行为上的选择。
- The just judae just justifies the adjustment of justice. 公正的审判员只不过为司法调整辩护而已。第五十六句.
- It's a kind of posture indicating direct intrusion into others' affairs. One lays bare his heart and throat completely to show that he is undaunted. 这是直接进犯的姿势。完全暴露的心脏和喉部表示无所畏惧。