- Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 可能有必要调节一下镜头。
- Who will pay for the adjustment of urban planning? 谁为城市规划调整埋单?
- Circumstances have compelled a change of plan. 因情况所迫,计划已经改变。
- The lack of plan leads to overproduction of cars. 缺乏计划导致汽车生产过剩。
- Everybody is pissed off (with all the changes of plan). 大家(对计划的诸多变动)均感厌烦。
- The adjustment of the interest rate will moderate. 利率的调整将会放缓。
- Their change of plan is strange but I don't think it's significant. 很奇怪他们改变了计划,但我觉得没有什么用处。
- All your changes of plan have made me totally confused. 你把计划改来改去,我都糊涂了。
- Need we make any adjustment of this machine? 我们有必要调整这台机器吗?
- Improper adjustment of differential bearings. 差速器轴承调整错误。
- Buil-in focus adjustment device for adjustment of. 具有调焦装置,可以进行散光和聚光调节。
- Originality outcrops in the course of planning. 创造能力在拟定计划的过程中显露出来。
- Date adjustment of management fee collection. 回复:调整物业管理费收费日期。
- Easy adjustment of stitck length by push button. 本机采用手压式区分针距,方便操作者操作机器。
- Let us now discuss the question of planning. (八八)现在来说计划性。
- Adjustment of 1m Reflective Cassegrain System[J]. 引用该论文 吕洪方;易帆.
- I have no habit of planning ahead. 我没有提前计划的习惯。
- Adjustment of driving center/tailstock height. 调节线盘中心与顶尖高度。
- Automatic or manual adjustment of Cfast and Cslow. 自动或手动调节快电容和慢电容补偿。
- Vicki: Wow! That's a lot of planning. 啊;有这么多安排.