- Adiabatic Diesel Engines 绝热柴油机研究
- The tractor is powered by a diesel engine. 这台曳引机是用柴油机发动的。
- adiabatic diesel 绝热柴油机
- The steam locomotives were superseded by diesel units. 蒸汽机车已被柴油内燃机车所取代。
- Diesel is the more economical in fuel on a pound per horse power basis. 以一磅对一马力的比率而言,柴油式在燃料上是比较经济的。
- An adiabatic wall must be able to block radiation. 绝热壁必须能屏蔽辐射。
- Nearly all the tractors operate on diesel oil. 几乎所有的拖拉机都用柴油开动。
- A new adiabatic calorimeter and its application. 一种新型绝热量热计及其应用
- High and low pressure spay gun with adiabatic grip. 高低压可调水枪,防热枪柄。
- The diesel engine is reliable and longlasting. 柴油发动机可靠并经久耐用。
- We filled up with diesel at the petrol station. 我们在加油站加满了柴油。
- Paraffins have high diesel indices. 链烷烃的柴油指数最高。
- The engine goes through a lot of diesel oil. 这台发动机要消耗很多柴油。
- Can you tell me which is a diesel? 你能告诉我哪个是柴油机吗?
- Familiar with the diesel engine parts. 熟悉柴油发动机零部件。
- The diesel car was a wonderful invention. 柴油汽车是一项很好的发明。
- The remainder of the power stroke is an adiabatic expansion. 动力冲程的后段是绝热膨胀过程。
- They turned out 1700 diesel engines last year. 他们去年生产了1700台柴油机。
- A vehicle powered by a diesel engine. 柴油机驱动的车辆以柴油机为动力的车辆
- Diesel generator governor sensitivity test. 柴油发电机调速特性试验。