- The result showed: The inheritance of resistance to Fusarium wilt in sesame was mainly controlled by additive gene effect. 结果表明:芝麻对枯萎病抗性主要表现加性遗传,其病情指数的遗传方差以一般配合力方差为主,特殊配合力方差在F_1代不显著,F_2代显著,但F_2代SCA/GCA值仍较小;
- Leaf length, area, and blade curvature were mainly controlled by dominant gene effect, while additive gene effect in leaf width and SLW. 叶长、叶面积和叶面曲率的基因作用则主要表现为显性效应;
- The additive gene effect was more important than the dominant effect the inheritance of resistance was guantitative inheritance and had higher inheritability. 基因加性效应大于显性效应,属于数量性状遗传,抗性遗传力较高。
- Root yield was basically controlled by the non-additive gene effect, the additive gene effect made up 25 percent of the total genetic variation for root yield characters. 在根产量方面,加性基因效应引起的变异占总变异的1/4,加性效应在单胚型甜菜根产量性状的遗传中也起着比较重要的作用。
- The results showed that: (1) The additive gene effect was principal in brix, plant height and stalk diameter while the non additive gene effect was greater in clump available stalk numbers, plant biomass, clump weight and brix weight. 结果表明 :(1)锤度、株高和茎径的遗传主要由加性基因效应引起 ,而丛有效茎数、丛重、锤重和地上部鲜重的遗传主要由非加性基因效应引起 ;
- Spike length and grain weight seemed to becontrolled by additive gene effects,and grain number by non-additivegene effects. 其中,大穗大粒受加性基因效应控制,结实粒数受非加性基因效应控制。
- additive gene effect resistance traits of stem 配合力
- Additive gene effects were significant or highly sighificant in most cross sets for pint height,ear height,internode length,dys to tasseling,days to silking,the time in terval between the first and second silking(1-2s)and two-eared rate perplant. 大部分组合的株高、穗位高、第一果穗着生节节间长、抽雄期、抽丝期,第一和第二果穗抽丝间隔以及单株双穗率等性状的加性效应也都这显著成极显著。
- The results showed that stalk diameter and brix were mainly controlled by additive gene effects, while the inheritance of clump weight and the millable stalk number per clump were controlled by both additive and non-additive genes. 结果表明 :茎径和锤度的遗传主要受加性基因效应控制 ,而丛重和丛有效茎数的遗传是基因加性和非加性效应共同作用的结果。
- The results showed that brix was controlled primarily by female additive genes effects,and plant length was mainly controlled by male and female additive genes effects,while brix weight was controlled primarily by non-additive genes effects. 结果表明:锤度的遗传主要受母本加性基因效应控制,株高的遗传主要受父母本加性基因控制,而锤重的遗传主要受非加性基因效应所制约;
- Relations between Additive Gene Effect and Coefficients of Molecular Marker Regression Equation 加性基因效应与分子标记回归方程的关系
- Dominance gene effect of spike length was higher than that of additive. 穗长为超显性;显性基因效应比加性基因效应更重要.
- additive gene effect 加性基因效应
- However,predominance of additive gene effectswas noted for most traits. 结果表明,一般配合力和特殊配合力方差对性状均重要,多数性状为加性基因效应占主导。
- The sugar contents were mainly under control by the additive gene effect. Its genetic accorded with additive-dominant model. 含糖量主要受加性基因效应的作用,非加性基因的作用相对很小,其遗传符合加性-显性模型。
- The ear diametre was inherited in a superdominant fashion with the additive gene as the dominant gene. 穗粗的遗传为超显性遗传,且显性基因为增效基因。
- addition gene effect 累加(基因)效应
- The results showed that the heredity of quality characters was induced mainly by additive gene effects. The changes in brix, PR, Pol and SC were affected by male parents. 结果表明,品质性状的遗传主要由基因加性效应引起,其中蔗汁锤度、旋光读数、转光度、蔗汁蔗糖分主要由父本基因加性效应引起。