- His generous donation filled our need for additional funds. 他的慷慨捐赠满足了我们对额外资金的需求。
- Will additional funds be needed for fire suppression? 是否需要额外的经费来扑灭火灾?
- Does tax preference transition period exist when foreign-funded enterprises deposit additional funds. 外商投资企业追加投资是否存在税收优惠过渡期?
- Yet because Security was a non-revenue-producing function, its position on the priority list for additional funds was low. 不过,安全部本身是个无进项可谋的部门,要审请额外经费就得换在别人后面。
- If, for instance, the stock price decreases, you might be subject to a margin call, requiring the deposit of additional funds or eligible stocks. 例如,如果股价下跌,您可能会收到追补按金的通知,而您必须要额外注入金额或存入认可股票。
- Expense reports documenting the use of the initial 70 percent must be received before the disbursement of additional funds. 在没有收到最初的70%25使用费用报告单的证明文件之前,将不会支付额外的资金。
- You may sustain a total loss of initial margin funds and any additional funds deposited with MCT to maintain your position. 您最多可以承受的损失将不得超过您最初投入的保证金,并且为了保持您的头寸而不被平仓,您将需要继续追加保证金的投入。
- Racing a Chinese robot to the Sea of Tranquility might be batty, but it is a neat way to milk additional funds for NASA from the American public. 同一个中国探测器比赛登陆“静海”的举动也许是疯狂的,但这却是NASA从美国公众攫取更多资金的捷径。
- This in turn made banks wary of lending additional funds to specialist firms and precluded further share purchases by those firms. 这反过来被制作的银行机警对借另外的资金对专家企业和被阻止的进一步份额购买由那些企业。
- Silicon Research Unit are: the orientation has been issuing valid, after the abolition of the additional funds involved in the project has also run aground. 有研硅股:此次定向增发已经过了有效期,取消后,此次增发资金所涉及的项目也因此搁浅。
- The president says additional funds will be required to prop up those institutions, as well as regulations to ensure the money is not wasted and there is no repeat of the debacle. 总统表示需要进一步的资金以支撑这些机构,同时也需要规则,以确保这笔钱是不会浪费,也不会再次地崩溃。
- Today contrarian strong, have additional funds Admission signs of future policy is expected in the real estate under favorable usher explosive blowout prices. 今日逆势走强,有新增资金入场迹象,未来有望在地产政策利好作用下迎来爆发式井喷行情。
- These balances are usually borrowed or lent by major international banks, international corporations, and governments when they need to acquire or invest additional funds. 这些余额经常是由主要的国际银行,国际公司和政府在需要获取和进行额外投资时借入和贷出。
- The 2001 Budget earmarked additional funds of $242 million in recurrent expenditure and $122.5 million in non-recurrent expenditure for a package of new initiatives to provide better care and support to people with disabilities. 《二零零一年财政预算案》额外拨款2.;42亿元经常开支和1
- Since the establishment of the District Councils,their role and functions have been progressively enhanced. Additional funds have been provided to the councils to implement minor environmental improvement and community involvement projects. 区议会自二零零零年一月成立以来,其角色与职能已逐步提高,并已获得额外拨款,在区内推行小型环境改善计划和社区参与计划。
- Additional funds are unlikely to be unleashed into equities any time soon: it is estimated that only around one-third of the present$4 bn wound up in“ A” shares, with the rest parked in cash and bonds. 但增量资金不太可能很快进入股市:据估计,在目前的40亿美元额度中,仅有约三分之一已投资于A股,其余资金则为现金和债券。
- Under extremely exceptional circumstances, the general secretary may authorize reimbursement to district governors of additional funds for expenses incurred in excess of the district governor's estimated allocation from RI. 在极其特殊的情况之下,秘书长可以授权支付地区总监申请的,超过国际扶轮预估拨配金额以外的费用。
- Since the establishment of the District Councils, their role and functions have been progressively enhanced. Additional funds have been provided to the councils to implement minor environmental improvement and community involvement projects. 区议会自二零零零年一月成立以来,其角色与职能已逐步提高,并已获得额外拨款,在区内推行小型环境改善计划和社区叁与计划。
- These items, Carmody points out, can be sold to raise additional funds for more Technology Goddesses programs or the Girl Scout troops, or to offer scholarships to Technology Goddesses summer camp. 这些项目,卡莫迪指出,可以出售,以筹集更多资金,为更多的技术女神程序或该名女童童军部队,或以提供奖学金,技术女神夏令营。
- The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds. 那会计盗用了协会的基金。