- As well as putting two whole words together, we also add parts of words called prefixes and suffixes to the whole words. 除了把两个词放在一起之外,我们还可以给单词添加一些成分,即前缀和后缀。
- Include a company profile as part of the front and back page panels, and add part of your product catalog on the inside page. 在封面和封底中包含公司简介,并将部分产品目录添加到内页。
- If still be disrelished insufficient, that adds part of a few handmade more. 假如还嫌不够,那就多增加一些手工的成分吧。
- But, present microwave oven popcorn is raise mouthfeel, added a large number of add part, overmuch candy cent and essence are harmful to person body. 但是,现在的微波炉爆米花为提高口感,加入了大量附加成分,过多的糖分和香精对人身体有害。
- When the Romans conquered the Celts in the first century A.D., they added parts of their festivals, Feralia and Pomona to the tradition. 美国和加拿大的孩子们在这天穿戴上古怪的服饰去按邻居家的门铃,并按传统发出“是款待我还是要我耍花招”的威胁。
- In principle, the export performance value should be calculated according the value added part of the exported products. 出口实绩金额原则上按出口产品的增值率相应计算。
- A few jokes will add a final fillip to your speech. 几句笑话会给你的演说添些生气。
- He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner. 在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。
- The various parts of the car are bolted together. 这辆汽车的各种配件是用螺栓装在一起的。
- She uses tongs to add coals to the fire. 她用火钳往炉火中添煤。
- There will be rain in all parts of the country. 全国各地将有雨。
- I add the coal on the flame continuously. 我不断朝火里添加煤炭。
- Add salt, pepper and a dash of vinegar. 加盐、胡椒粉和一点儿醋。
- She lifted the lid of the pot to add some salt. 她掀起锅盖加点盐。
- Please add some soda to the whisky. 请在威士忌中加些苏打水。
- Oil the moving parts of this machine regularly. 要定期给这部机器的运转部件上油。
- I pieced out the machine with scrap parts. 我用破铜烂铁拼成了这台机器。
- I don't think these facts will add up to anything. 这些事实我看不说明任何问题。
- In addition, we supply small parts for replacement. 此外,我们还提供备用小零件。
- Analyze the sentence into its constituent parts. 把这条句子的各个成份加以分析。