- water cooling adamantine clinker 水冷钢砖
- adamantine clinker 硬钢砖
- Examples: DR, Resist ENERGY, Adamantine Laced. 例子:DR,能量抗力,金钟罩。
- What is the minimum possible clinker content? 可能的最低熟料含量是多少?
- In 1947 the furnace was lined with clinker some ten metres high. 1947年这座炉子炉膛内堆积了约10米高的炉渣。
- Zhengzhou Adamantine Fine Dried Noodle Reamer Co., Ltd. 郑州金钢挂面刀具有限公司。
- Adamantine Arrow: A mystical order with roots in Atlantis. 金石之箭:植根于亚特兰提斯的魔法团。
- It is adamantine for Chinese to safeguard homeland integrity. 中国人民捍卫祖国领土完整的决心和意志是坚定不移的。
- County Economic and Trading Bureau. Main product is clinker cement. 县经贸局主要产品:熟料水泥。
- In the hot analogue plant, high quality cement clinker ha... 在热模装置上,煅烧出较高质量的水泥熟料。
- Lateral clinker bulking systems is set at the side of silos. 为方便熟料外运,库侧设有熟料散装系统。
- This material is variously termed ash, clinker, cinders or slag. 这种材料有不同的名称,如灰、炉渣、煤渣或矿渣。
- It's a desirable equipment for the cooling of clinker. 熟料冷却电耗低,是一种理想的冷却设备。
- adamantine clinkers 坚硬炼渣
- Adamantine has a hardness of 20 and 40 hit points per inch of thickness. 每一英寸厚的精金有20点的硬度和40点的耐久度。
- Adamantine Bound Chest: These chests will no longer contain Adamantine Bars. 锁住的坚金箱(泰罗卡森林,刀锋山,虚空风暴处出产):不再会开出坚金(?)锭。
- The higher operating costs can be offset against the cement clinker. 较高的费用能够靠水泥熟料得到弥补。
- Mages of the Adamantine Arrow must be ready for battle at all times. 精金之箭的法师必须随时准备好战斗。
- On the problem that has advanced sex in the party we must adamantine. 在党具有先进性的问题上我们必须坚定不移。
- Hit a clinker. 弹走音了