- actute left heart failure 急性左心衰
- The heart failure was present only in the case with left heart vegetations (15/26, among which 6 at bicuspid vale and 9 at aortic vale). 赘生物致心衰病例仅见于左心系统(二尖瓣赘生物致心衰6例,主动脉瓣赘生物致心衰9例)。
- These patients manifest chest pain, symptoms similar to left heart failure (LHF), and always accompanied by arrhythmia. 其常表现为类似心绞痛、左心衰竭症状,可并发有心律失常;
- Objective To assess the changes of B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP) levels during non-invasive ventilation in treating acute left heart failure. 目的观察无创机械正压通气在治疗急性左心衰竭过程中对血脑钠素浓度的影响。
- The data showed that patients with severe PIH were easy to suffer from abruptio,placentae intrauter-ine growth retardation(IUGR), fetal distress and acute left heart failure. 资料显示重度妊高征患者易合并胎盘早剥、胎儿宫内发育迟缓、胎儿宫内窘迫和急性左心衰。
- Lenique F, Habis M, Lofaso F, et al. Ventilatory and haemodynamic effects of CPAP in left heart failure [ J ]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1997,155:500 - 505. 徐秋萍平玉坤等.;急性心源性肺水肿时非侵入性呼吸机治疗的研究[J]
- The major reasons of death in order were:cardiogenic shock,ventricular fibrillation,acute left heart failure,multiple organ failure,heart rupture and acute renal failure. 结论冠心病冠状动脉支架置入术死亡主要原因是心源性休克、室颤、急性左心衰等。
- Conclusion Blood dialysis is a new method for guard against poison and effective for treating poision, estpicially for hypnotic poisoning with acute left heart failure and pulmonary edema. 结论血液透析不但是戒毒行之有效的新方法,而且对中毒,尤其是对安眠药等中毒所致急性左心衰、肺水肿的抢救治疗有独道之处。
- Keywords Acute left heart failure;NIPPV;Treatment; 关键词急性左心衰竭;无创正压通气;治疗;
- Right heart failure secondary to left heart failure 继发于左心衰竭的右心衰竭
- Salvage at scene for 15 patients with acute left heart failure 急性左心衰现场抢救15例
- The procedure nursing of left heart failure patients'first aid outside hospital 急性左心衰竭患者院前急救的程序化护理
- A heart flutter means heart failure. 对他来说,心脏扑动就是心脏症。
- End-Stage Heart Failure Not the End? 心脏衰竭末期不一定会死?
- How does congestive heart failure affect the body? 充血性心力衰竭怎样影响心脏?
- Sohlberg was about to drop from heart failure. 苏尔白由于心脏衰弱快要倒下了。
- Heart Failure Society of America, Inc. 美国心衰学会。
- My grandmother suffered from heart failure. 我祖母心脏衰竭。
- Heart failure was the immediate cause of his death. 心脏衰竭是他死亡的直接原因。
- Aims: Left heart catheterization carries a risk for cerebral complications. 目的:左心导管术存在脑部并发症的危险。