- In this paper, C language is made use of to calculate the concentration of the composite gases component according to opto acoustic effect and opto acoustic spectrum of gases. 文章根据气体的光声效应 ,利用气体的光声光谱对混合气体各组份的浓度用C语言编程进行计算
- By analyzing the features of pipelines including wave-guiding and typical acoustic spectrum of manmade damages, a model composed of characters of acoustic wave was established. 研究了管道的导波特性,分析了管道人为破坏的典型声谱特征,建立了能对管道破坏方式进行分类的混合模型。
- In order to find out slight leakage in boilers,to avoid disarranged stopping of boilers or stopping of boilers just after they started,a detecting technology and monitoring system with acoustic spectrum on boilers bearing pipe are developed. 为了早期发现锅炉承压管轻微漏泄点,避免非计划停炉或起炉后再停炉,介绍了声谱分析法锅炉承压管漏泄检测技术。
- The survey covered a broad spectrum of topic. 这本简史涉及的话题范围很广。
- Acoustic Spectrum Analysis of Shale Mudding Degree 页岩泥化程度的声谱分析
- acoustical spectrum 声谱
- Red and violet are at opposite ends of the spectrum. 红色和紫色位于光谱相对的两端。
- The Analysis of Tool Wear Based on the Acoustic Spectrum Character 刀具磨损声谱特征的分析
- This system can set up acoustical resonances. 这种系统能产生共鸣。
- There's a wide spectrum of opinions on this problem. 对这个问题的说法众说纷纭,莫衷一是。
- In the spectrum, distinct colours shade into each other. 在光谱中,截然不同的颜色相互融合起来。
- Research evolution of acoustic spectrum logging methods 声频谱测井方法研究进展
- There is a wide spectrum of opinions on this question. 在这个问题上有著各种不同的意见。
- A reverb unit simulates the sound of different acoustical areas. 混响单元是模拟不同声学空间中的声音。
- It uses spread spectrum technology. 它使用扩频技术。
- Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain. 意思是公共领域书籍的听觉解放。
- How to examine acoustical immittance to measure listen to a result? 如何查看声导抗测听结果呢?
- The survey covered a broad spectrum of topics . 这本简史涉及的话题范围很广。
- They called it @cosmic spectrum green. 他们称之为“宇宙绿”。