- I bowed my head in acknowledgement of guilt. 我低下头来承认过失。
- A written or an oral statement acknowledging guilt, made by one who has been accused or charged with an offense. 供认状由被控告或指控的人作出的承认罪行的书面或口头声明
- Kilpatrick on 4th acknowledges guilt in the morning in the Detelv Wayne county federation circuit court to judge. 基尔帕特里克4日上午在底特律市韦恩县联邦巡回法庭向法官认罪。
- Defendants who refused to acknowledge guilt often received harsher sentences than those who confessed. 虽然有上诉程序,但上诉导致翻案的例子很少。
- Prison officials often denied privileges to those, including political prisoners, who refused to acknowledge guilt or obey other prison rules. 监狱的官员通常拒绝给予政治犯、拒绝认罪的人以及不遵守狱规的人以特别优待。
- Judge Groner said that she is very at the appointed time possible and the court achieves acknowledges guilt the agreement. 法官格罗纳说,届时她很可能与法庭达成认罪协议。
- Acknowledging guilt was a precondition for receiving certain prison privileges, including the ability to purchase outside food, make telephone calls, and receive family visits. 承认罪行是囚犯获得某些特别优待的前提条件,包括能够购买外面的食物,打电话,接受家人的探望。
- Prison officials often denied privileges, including the ability to purchase outside food, make telephone calls, and receive family visits to those who refused to acknowledge guilt. 狱警通常不给予基本权利,包括购买外部食物,拨打电话,接受家人探视等,而对象则为那些拒不认罪的人。
- His guilt was proved up to the hilt. 他的罪行被完全证实了。
- In view of the fact that the accused person acknowledging guilt manner is good, and can give back the loss positively to this unit, has the repenting performance, therefore punishes leniently legally. 鉴于被告人认罪态度较好,且能够积极向本单位退赔损失,具有悔罪表现,故依法从轻处罚。
- Because Alston is a first offense, in addition the acknowledging guilt manner is good, therefore only need pay certain number the fine, then can hide is six month-long imprisonments. 由于阿尔斯通是初犯,加上认罪态度不错,所以只需交纳一定数目的罚款,便能躲过长达六个月的监禁。
- Her theory was quoted without an acknowledgement. 她的理论被人引用而未向她致谢。
- His friend corroborated his guilt. 他的朋友证实了他的犯罪。
- We now have the absolute proof of his guilt. 我们现在有他犯罪的确凿证据。
- We have had no acknowledgement of our letter. 我们没有收到过确认去信已收到的回音。
- State the fact in witness of his guilt. 叙述事实以证明的他的罪状。
- These flowers are a small acknowledgement of your great kindness. 这些花是用来对您的恩惠略表谢意的。
- There wasn't enough evidence to prove his guilt. 没有充分的证据能证明他有罪。
- The police established his guilt beyond all doubt. 警方确凿地认定他有罪。
- An unwitting admission of guilt. 无意间对所犯罪过的承认