- acid number value [机] 酸值; 酸价
- At last, the properties of these products, the physical appearance, acid number, bydroxyl group value and iodine value are tested. 本文对合成产品的羟值、酸值、碘值以及季胺化收率等进行了测试分析。
- Adopt in g the method to mensurate acid number,hydroxyl value and saponification value i n processing lubricant oil determines the contents of additives in lubricants. 采用测定工艺润滑油中酸值、羟值、皂化值的方法来测定润滑油中添加剂的含量。
- If the job is run by an alert, the error number value automatically replaces this token in the job step. 如果作业由某个警报运行,则在作业步骤中,错误号值将自动替换此标记。
- Notice that you are using the largest number value calculated earlier to label the Y-axis. 注意,要使用前面计算的最大值来标记Y轴。
- Total Acid Number by Semi-Micro Color Indicator Titration, Method of Test for (05. 用半微量彩色指示剂滴定法测定酸度总值的试验方法(05。
- Acid number of lubricating oil can be obtained by neutralizing standard acid solution and alkalinity substance of aqueous phase. 用标准酸溶液中和水相中的碱性物质,即可获得润滑油的酸值。
- The acid number of the original oil can be decreased from 5.41 mgKOH/ g to 0.04 mg KOH/ g. 原料油酸值由5.;46mgKOH/g降低至0
- TCP uses expectational acknowledgment in which the Acknowledgment Number value refers to the next octet that is expected as part of the TCP session. TCP利用希望收到确认封包中的确认号码,得知希望收到的下一个位元组,这是TCP交谈的一部分。
- The influences of grafting monomer MAH,initiator DCP and the amount of antioxidant 1010 on acid number were studied. 研究了接枝单体MAH、引发剂过氧化二异丙苯(DCP)和抗氧剂1010用量对接枝物酸值的影响。
- Preserve alarm value, when the number value of the vibration and temperature exceeds prewarning, use sound and light to report to the police. 预设报警值,当振动和温度的数值超过预警时,即用声光报警。
- The influence of reaction temperature, reaction time on the acid number, amic number and catio. 研究了反应温度、反应时间、原料配比对产物表观粘度、酸值、胺值和阳离子度的影响。
- With the function of regeneration, and can bring down the acid number of FRF efficiently. 具有再生功能,有效降低抗燃油酸度。
- Their structures were confirmed by IR, and the properties of these surfactants such as acid number, interfacial tension, and critical micelle concentration and so on were studied. 通过红外光谱确定了产物的结构,并对有机硼表面活性剂的酸值、表面张力以及临界胶束浓度等性能进行了研究。
- The influence of reaction temperature, reaction time on the acid number, amic number and cationic degree of product was also studied in this paper. 考察了反应温度、反应时间、原料配比对产物的表观粘度、酸值、胺值和阳离子度的影响。
- So the acid number could be used as a indicator to estimate therelative content of different components in hydrolysis product. 实现了用测酸值的方法估算反应产物中各物质的相对含量,作为定量指标,手段可行,为酶法催化有机相反应的时时监控提供依据,它同脂肪酶活力检测方法一样具有理论与实际意义。
- The method for determining acid number(AN) and base number(BN) analysis of lubricants based on electro-chemical analysis was investigated. 研究了基于电化学分析的润滑油酸值/碱值测定技术。
- This system overcomes the shortage due to completely depending on the limited data base knowledge, and overcomes the shortage totally depending on number value of analysing the model the accuracy. 该系统克服了完全依赖于数据库已有知识的实用范围局限性,又克服了完全依赖于数值分析模型的不准确性。
- The design utilizes the single chip microcomputer AT89C51,the A/D Converter and the LED to realize a concurrent digital voltmeter,which can change the scale and display the number value automatically. 利用单片机AT89C51、A/D转换模块和LED数码显示器,实现了一种具有量程自动切换功能的直流数字电压表,该电压表具有测量精确度高,性能稳定,扩展功能强及显示清晰度高等特点。
- The author analyzed the extractive matter, and confirmed their acid number was 161.8-169.6, the content of resin acid was 9.0%-12.5%and the content of fatty acid was 80.4-85.6%. 分析测定萃取物酸值为161.;8-169