- Such calls may achieve good results. 这样的号召,可能会产生好的效果。
- In this way the calls may achieve good results. 这样的号召,可能会产生好的效果。
- In this way,I am sure the campaign will achieve good results with extensive and genuine effects. 这样,我想这次运动就一定能够收到全面的、真正的效果。
- It means to make a good beginning, start with great success or achieve good results. 做的第一件事就取得好成绩或好效果。
- In this way, I am sure the campaign will achieve good results with extensive and genuine effects. 这样,这次运动就一定能够收到全面的、真正的效果。
- Conclusion This method can achieve good results and patient satisfaction in correcting the baggy defor... 结论:采用双层眼轮匝肌瓣及眶隔固定的睑袋整复手术修复,方法可靠,患者满意。
- The survey has found that a better adaptability is an important guarantee for students to achieve good results. 研究发现,较好的学习适应性是学生取得良好成绩的重要保证。
- The Chinese volleyball team can achieve good results all the time because we don't stick to outdated playing mode, instead we are very flexible. 我们中国女排之所以能够一直成绩不错是因为我们打球方式不老套,善于变化。
- Skip this process and you will never achieve good results, no matter how much you struggle with expensive foundation and concealer. 如果忽略皮肤护理这一步,无论您用多昂贵的粉底或者遮瑕膏,您都永远不会得到良好的化妆效果。
- But sometimes,budgetary slack may make the budgetary goal deviate from the real operating situation,causing TBM unable to achieve good results. 但预算松弛造成的预算目标与企业实际经营情况的偏离,使全面预算不能有效发挥作用。
- Antimicrobial agents-loaded cement spacer for the control of postoperative infection after hip arthroplasty can achieve good result. 采用抗菌药物骨水泥临时占位,感染控制后行二期翻修治疗人工关节置换术后感染效果良好。
- The article elucidates the mechanism and charactenistic of noise when air compressor disperse, harness adopt by anechoic maze of chamber, achieve good results. 文章阐述了空压机排空放散噪声产生机理及特点,采用迷宫室式消声器治理后,取得了明显效果。
- The operation is simple and quick of titrating vanadium with ammonium ferrous sulfate in alkaline dissolution agent, the method can achieve good results in the production. 采用碱熔试料以硫酸亚铁铵滴定钒量,操作简单、快速,该方法应用于生产后可获得令人满意的效果。
- The method has been utilized in some project tenders and achieved good results. 该方法已在一些管道工程招投标中得到应用,均取得了较好的效果。
- Work to achieve good results, Avon went to Guangzhou, China Headquarters learning and training and went to Avon in Zhengzhou, Zibo retail outlet for support work. 在工作中取得良好成绩,曾赴广州雅芳中国总部参加学习和培训,并赴雅芳在郑州,淄博门市部作支持工作。
- The Chinese teachers should awake to the necessity of arousing and treating the students interest to learn expository writing skills in order to achieve good results. 语文教师应有意识地激发与培养学生学习说明文的兴趣,以提高说明文的教学成果。
- It took three years for the rural economic reform to achieve good results,and it should take at least three to five years for the urban economic reform to produce visible results,because conditions there are more complicated than in the countryside. 农村经济体制改革是用三年时间见效的,城市经济体制改革比农村复杂,至少用三至五年的时间才能取得明显的效果。
- Annie: We wish Chinese athletes achieved good results at the Winter Olympics this year. 安妮: 祝今年中国冬奥会取得好成绩!
- The classes were picked because of their teachers'track record in achieving good results from pupils. 所选班级有一个共同点,即任课教师的教学效果良好。