- acetaldehyde sulfoxylate 乙醛次硫酸盐
- Objective: To test sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate in food. 目的:对食品中的吊白块进行检测。
- Acetaldehyde almost exists ubiquitously and is harmful to people. 乙醛广泛存在于环境中,危害人体健康。
- Pyruvate ,produced during glycolysis is converted to acetaldehyde and ethanol. 全部总反应见下面公式。
- The corresponding reaction of acetaldehyde is subject to general base catalysis. 乙醛相应的反应服从广义的碱催化。
- A colorless liquid polymer, C6H12O3, of acetaldehyde, used as a solvent and a sedative. 仲(乙)醛,三聚乙醛一种用作溶剂和镇定剂的无色液体聚合物,C6H12O3
- There is no national standard method for determination of sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate in wheat flour so far. 甲醛次硫酸氢钠是一种化工原料,国家已明令禁止将其作为添加剂加入食品。
- The pyretic acid formed by GLYCOLYSIS is broken down into acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide. 糖酵解过程中产生的丙酮酸分解为乙醛和二氧化碳。
- Alcohol dehydrogenase An enzyme that converts ethanol into acetaldehyde (ethanal). 醇脱氢酶:把乙醇转化为乙醛的酶。
- OBJECTIVE To determine the constants of oxidation reaction rate between sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate and oxygen in aqueous solutions. 目的测定甲醛合次硫酸氢钠在水溶液中与氧反应的反应速率常数。
- One of these, called alcohol dehydrogenase, turns the alcohol molecules into another chemical, acetaldehyde. 其中有一种叫酒精脱氢酶,把酒精分子转化成另一种化学物质,乙醛。
- While four sample treatments tested for different samples formaldehyde or formaldehyde sodium sulfoxylate content measured. 同时试验了四种样品处理方法,可用于不同样品中甲醛或吊白块含量的测定。
- Sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate in foods were tested by direct distillation-titration coupled with AHMT spectrophotometer. 摘要利用直接蒸馏滴定-AHMT法联合测定食品中的甲醛次硫酸氢钠。
- Conclusion: It can meet the measurement requirements of general food samples for formaldehyde and sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate. 结论: 可满足一般食品样品中甲醛和吊白块测定的要求。
- CONCLUSION The sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate to possesses stronger antioxidant activity in weak acid solution than in neutral and alkaline ones. 结论 甲醛合次硫酸氢钠在弱酸性条件下抗氧能力较强,在中性和弱碱性条件下较弱。
- Abstract: OBJECTIVE To determine the constants of oxidation reaction rate between sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate and oxygen in apueous solutions. 文章摘要: 目的 测定甲醛合次硫酸氢钠在水溶液中与氧反应的反应速率常数。
- Distributive Rules of Concentration of Acetaldehyde Discharged from Terylene Plants of Yizheng Chemical Fibre Ltd., Co. 仪化涤纶厂乙醛废气质量浓度的分布规律。
- Meaurement of anti - acetaldehyde protein adduct antibody titers in the sera of different people. 抗乙醛蛋白加合物抗体在不同人群血清中的检测及临床意义。
- Investigation about the Acetaldehyde Pollution in Wastewater Discharged from Yizheng Chemical Fibre Ltd. Co. 仪化废水中乙醛污染的调查。