- accounting subject structure 会计学科体系
- Global Order to Cash Program - Accounting Subject Matter Exp... 通过此职位或此地点查看工作指数。
- The network economy has many impacts on the hypothesis of accounting subject, sustainable management, accounting duration,and money calculating. 网络经济对会计主体。 持续经营、会计分期、货币计量等会计假设产生了冲击;
- Problems concerning present curriculum setup in colleges and universities of TCM mainly focus on maladjustment of subject structure arrangement and development situation of TCM. 当前中医药院校学科专业设置存在的问题主要是学科专业结构设置与中医药发展的形势不适应。
- Accounting information is economic information which reflects value movement status of accounting subject gaining from accounting practice. 摘要会计信息是人们通过会计实践获得反映会计主体价值运动状况的经济信息。
- Although the subject structure in China has been in the stage of maturation, more efforts are still needed to improve the tech-innovating capability of enterprises. 我国目前在主体结构上已演变到位,但需要在提高企业技术创新能力方面做出更大的努力。
- The utility of the environmental responsibility reports supplied by the accounting subject to the decision-makers must be examined through auditing. 社会要求会计主体提供的环境责任报告信息对决策者有用,因此,该报告必须进行审计。
- It is also a new ecological accounting subject formed by the result of environmental economics and accounting penetrating into each other. 它是环境经济学与会计学相互交叉渗透而形成的一门全新的生态会计科学。
- The special purpose entity(SPE),as an independent accounting subject,whether should amalgamate with the promoter's financial statement has become a key problem. 资产证券化的关键在于构造特殊目的载体(SPE),SPE作为独立的会计主体,是否应当与发起人的财务报表合并就成为一个关键问题。
- The subject structure and teaching treatment of Chinese-English bilingual teaching of physics were discussed,which help students consolidate their physics knowledge and enhance their English level. 探讨了物理专业汉英双语教学课程的知识结构和教学对策,其目的是既能帮助学生巩固专业知识,又能提高专业英语水平。
- The selection of library's resources has influences on the subject structure and book structure of the whole collection of the library,and also connects with the subscribing and cataloging. 图书馆资源的选择影响着整个图书馆藏书的学科结构和书结构,而且同订购、编目等工作也会发生联系。
- Cherryholmes analyzes the structural characters of Taylor principle, Schwab's "practice 4", Bloom's education target classification and Bruner's subject structure theory. 摘要切瑞霍尔姆斯分析了泰勒原理、施瓦布的“实践4”、布卢姆的目标分类学以及布鲁纳的学科结构理论当中的结构性特征。
- If an accounting policy is adopted from the standpoint of an accounting subject, such a selection can help an enterprise to stabilize its financial basis and obtain objective & just accounting information. 那么,站在会计主体立场上选择运用会计政策,能稳定企业财务基础和保证会计信息的客观、公正;
- Participial phrase,independent subjective structure,subjunctive mood and some phrase frames can all be regarded as the result of omitting different components of adverbial clause. 分词短语、独立主格结构、虚拟语气及某些习惯用语都可以看成是状语从句不同成份省略的结果。
- development of accounting subject 会计专业建设
- The principle of intergrating subjectivity and objectivity intends to remind us that in the process of criminalization, we should pay attention to the objective and subjective structure of act. “主客观相统一原则”意在提醒我们,在认识犯罪的过程中,我们必须注意行为的主观侧面与客观侧面,主观与客观只是我们在认识犯罪时一种人为的剥离。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- She gave the true account of what had happened. 她如实地讲述了发生的事情。
- Please charge these bills to my account. 请把这些帐单记在我的账上。
- I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。