- accounting firm size 事务所规模
- My sister works in an accounting firm. 姐姐在一个会计师事务所上班。
- I do some work for Smith and Dale,Your company's accounting firm. 我为贵公司的会计顾问公司 smith和Dale事务所里做一些工作。
- I do some work for Smith and Dale, Your company's accounting firm. 我为贵公司的会计顾问公司。
- The president had harsh words for the accounting firm Arthur Andersen. 总统对安德森会计事务所措辞严厉。
- The firm's accounts Firm eed tofe set in order. 公司的账目需要清理。
- Based on the case study of Tsingtao Brewery and Yanjing Brewery, this paper analyzes the overall performance and the detail factors influencing M&A results of target firm size. 摘要本文以青岛啤酒和燕京啤酒为典型案例,分析了产业整合背景中“大吃小”和“强强联合”并购模式各自的整体绩效及具体的绩效影响因素。
- His father is a partner in Bronson, Edelman and Moses, an accounting firm in Philadelphia. 父亲是费城一家由布朗森、埃德曼和摩西三人合伙的会计事务所的合伙人。
- They are firm size,profitability,non-debt tax shield,growth,tangibility,ownership structure and firm governess structure which are based on the issues of empirical study. 公司的盈利能力、公司规模、成长性、非债务税盾和所有权结构对上市公司资本结构影响显著,并且在各年的影响程度不同。
- Anyang City anshi drink wine limited liability company established in 1995 by more than 10 years history of hard work, firm size has grown rapidly to increase social awareness. 安阳市安仕葡萄酒饮料有限责任公司成立于1995年,通过10余年的艰苦创业史,企业规模不断壮大,社会知名度迅速提高。
- The partners shall bear joint liabilities as to the obligations of the public accounting firm. 合伙人对会计师事务所的债务承担连带责任。
- The evidence show that: the different definitions of skewness of return is prominent for portfolios grouped by industry, firm size and book-market value. 论文得出的主要结论是:不论是个股分析,还是以产业别、规模、及帐面值/市值比形成投资组合,不同偏态定义投资组合偏态系数均呈显著现象。
- A certified accounting firm declares that the figures and statements about the finances are accurate. 报告中财物方面的数字和报表均经合格会计公司证明确切无误.
- All of the listed companies audit fee determinants are size of auditee, audit units, and accounting firms. 全体上市公司之审计公费决定因素为客户规模、审计单位数及事务所;
- Crucially for an accountancy firm, the work was given a time code. 此项工作给还加上了时间码,而这对会计事务所却至关重要。
- Thus, Public accounting firms often are called cpa firms. 因此,公共会计师事务所常被称为注册会计师事务所。
- Article 165 A company shall, after the end of each fiscal year, formulate a financial report, and shall have it checked by an accounting firm. 第一百六十五条公司应当在每一会计年度终了时编制财务会计报告,并依法经会计师事务所审计。
- There will be a new club under preparation at one of the most prestige Accounting Firm, PWC - that is Price Waters Coopers. 经过六个月的筹备;我们又有新的英语社要在资诚会计事务所成立了.
- It maintains a registered office in Hong Kong through a local accounting firm (the Hong Kong Office). 该公司在香港的一家本地会计师事务所设有注册办事处(香港办事处)。
- The registered public accounting firm shall report directly to the audit committee. 备案登记的注册会计师事务所应当直接向审计委员会报告。