- Students must have access to a good library. 学生要有使用好图书馆的便利条件。
- I demanded access to a telephone. 我要求有权使用电话。
- The door gives access to a living room. 从这个门可以进入起居室。
- Object is used to allow access to a secured object. 对象来允许访问受保护对象。
- Do the students have access to a good library? 学生有机会用好图书馆吗?
- Grants a proxy access to a subsystem. 授权代理访问子系统。
- Access to a network computer for deployment. 对用于部署的网络计算机的访问权。
- Access to append material to a file or directory. 向文件或目录追加内容的访问权限。
- For access to write to a file or directory. 用于对文件或目录进行写访问。
- Class lets you specify access to a member. 类可以指定对成员的访问。
- You have access to a document management server. 您有权访问文档管理服务器。
- They don't have access to a convertible currency. 他们无法得到可兑换货币。
- A character string that enables a user to have full or limited access to a system or to a set of data. 准许一个用户完全地或有限制地访问某一系统或存取某一数据集的一种字符串。
- In computer security, an attempt to gain access to a system by posing as an authorized user. 在计算机安全学中,试图以装成一个合法用户来获取对某系统的访问权。
- Instance that provides read-only access to a file system resource. 实例,该实例提供对文件系统资源的只读访问。
- accession to a demand 同意一项要求
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。
- Price have fall due to a reduce demand for the goods. 价格由于货物需求量的减少而降低了。
- "Increasingly, users demand access to a wide range of different computing systems," Nagaratnam said. “随着时间的推移,用户需要访问许多不同的计算系统”,Nagaratnam说。