- Access displays the average age in the Total row. Access将在“汇总”行显示平均年龄。
- In most cases, Access displays the Help topic for the item that you clicked. 在大多数情况下,Access将显示您所单击项目的帮助主题。
- Close the Customize dialog box. Access displays the toolbar you selected in step 2. 关闭“自定义”对话框。Access 将显示在步骤 2 中选择的工具栏。
- Often, you'll want to specify a format so that Access displays a date or time the way you'd like. 您通常会希望按自己的习惯指定Access显示日期或时间的格式。
- If you don't have an OLE server registered for a given file type, Access displays a broken image icon. 如果没有为给定的文件类型注册OLE服务器,则Access将显示断开的图像图标。
- If you don't set the ValidationText property, Access displays a default error message. 如果不设置ValidationText属性,Access将显示默认的错误消息。
- If you drag a field from this section to the form, Access displays the Specify Relationship dialog box. 如果您将此部分中的字段拖到窗体上,则Access会显示“指定关系”对话框。
- However, when you enable the Required property and a user fails to enter a value, Access displays a somewhat unfriendly error message. 但是,如果启用了“必填”属性但用户没有输入值,则Access会显示令人稍感不快的错误消息。
- If there are a large number of rows and columns, Excel Web Access displays only a portion of these rows and columns in a scrolling page. 如果存在大量的行和列,则Excel Web Access在滚动页中只显示其中的一部分行和列。
- You should also consider setting the ValidationText property, which holds the text that Access displays when the validation rule is violated. 还应考虑设置ValidationText属性,当违反有效性规则时,该属性将保存Access显示的文本。
- When an action violates a rule, Access displays a message like the one shown in the following illustration, and cancels the action. 当某项操作违反某个规则时,Access将显示一条消息(如下图中所示),并取消该操作。
- When you run or print the report, Access displays a dialog box that prompts for the month that you want the report to cover. 当您运行或打印该报表时,Access将显示一个对话框,提示您输入希望报表涵盖的月份。
- In certain situations, Access displays a message telling you that you must switch to Design view to make a particular change. 在某些情况下,Access显示一条消息,通知您必须切换到设计视图才能进行特定的更改。
- This paper describes the technology to speed image display,which implements direct accesses display memory based on the internal structure of EGA/VGA,and gives several useful programs. 基于EGA/VGA显示器的内部结构;介绍用直接修改显示存储区技术;提高显示速度的方法;并给出几个实用程序.
- Access displays the query output in Datasheet view (Datasheet view: A window that displays data from a table, form, query, view, or stored procedure in a row-and-column format. Access会在数据表视图(数据表视图:以行列格式显示来自表、窗体、查询、视图或存储过程的窗口。
- If the source object contains more than one such column, Access displays a message prompting you to remove all but one attachment column before starting the operation. 如果源对象包含一个以上这样的列,Access就会显示一条消息,提示您只保留一个附件列,删除其余所有附件列,然后再开始操作。
- If you reference fields of other data types, Access displays the error message Data type mismatch in criteria expression when you try to switch to Datasheet view. 如果引用的是其他数据类型的字段,Access会在您尝试切换到数据表视图时显示“条件表达式中的数据类型不匹配”错误消息。
- If your expression refers to fields set to other data types, Access displays the message Data type mismatch in criteria expression when you try to run the query. 如果表达式引用的是设置为其他数据类型的字段,则Access会在您尝试运行查询时显示“条件表达式中的数据类型不匹配”错误消息。
- When this key is set to true, Outlook Web Access displays a warning dialog box that the certificate cannot be verified and prevents the e-mail message from being sent. 如果此项设置为True,则Outlook Web Access会显示一个无法验证证书的警告对话框,并阻止电子邮件发送。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。