- Before we started the instructor showed us the way the job should do in order to get an acceptable result. 在我们开始之前,讲师示范如何得到可接收结果的方法。
- Specifies that if more than one match is possible then any match is an acceptable result. 指明如果有多于一个的匹配,则任一匹配都是可接受的结果。
- During validation, the firm should document that testing the uncleaned equipment gives a not acceptable result for the indirect test. 在验证期间,公司必须对检测未清洗的设备的间接测试的结果不被认可进行记录存档。
- To help cyclotron magnet designer get acceptable result an intelligent CAE system for CYCLONE type cyclotron magnet design and machining has been developed. 为了帮助磁铁设计者们获得可接受的结果,开发了一个智能化的CYCLONE型回旋加速器主磁铁设计、分析与指导加工的CAE(计算机辅助工程)。
- The firm's tender for the supply of timber has been accepted. 那家商号的供应木材投标已被接受。
- The astronaut accepted danger was part of the job. 太空人承认他们的工作中包含著危险。
- She accepted the money with mingled feelings. 她悲喜交集地收下了这笔钱。
- You must accept the result, satisfactory or otherwise. 你必须接受这个结果,满意也好不满意也好。
- Asynchronous Request An SCSA term. A request where the client does not wait for completion of the request, but does intend to accept results later. Contrast with synchronous request. 异步请求一种SCSA术语。指一种请求,客户不需要等待请求完成,但是需要在稍后接收处理结果。与同步请求相反。
- This acceptable result against a backdrop of a very challenging market situation is mainly attributable to our improved monitor product lines and successful vertical integration of our business. 毛利率能在逆境中提升,主要由于集团改善了显示器生产线运作,并且成功将业务垂直整合。
- He tried to buy into the club but was not accepted. 他企图花钱而成为俱乐部的会员,但未被接受。
- Finally, the patient underwent transperineal removal of urethral stent with segmental resection of the stenosed urethra and end-to-end anastomosis one year after implantation with acceptable result. 最后病患接受经会阴取出支撑器并尿道狭窄段,然后施以尿道端吻合术而获得满意结果。
- The resolution was accepted unanimously. 该项决议得到与会者一致的认可。
- He accepted her offer with alacrity. 他欣然接受了她的建议。
- We found that conservative treatment could give acceptable result in all types of cystic ameloblastoma with less impact to the masticatory function, appearances, and development of children. 结论:在手术方法方面,本研究发现,不论何种形态的造釉细胞瘤,保守性治疗,再发的机率并无升高,但对病人的美观、功能、发育和心理上的影响都比较小。
- He accepted the offer like a shot. 他迫不及待地接受了这一提议。
- The college I applied to has accepted me. 我报了名的学院已经录取我了。
- I had no alternative but to accept the offer. 我除了接受该项提议之外,别无选择。
- Never before have I been asked to accept a bribe. 以前我从未被要求接受贿赂。
- We desperately need a result from this match. 这场比赛我们务必获胜。