- Cadre's on-the-job training is gradually undergoing a change from academic credentials education to all-round continuing education. 军队在职干部的培训正在逐步实现由学历教育向全面的继续教育转变。
- If the wife's nationality were real, could the husband's academic credentials then be fake? 太太的国籍是真的,先生的学籍还会假吗?
- In order to solve the problem of shortage,academic credentials is low,the new superseding the old,sub... 要建设高素质的师资队伍必须解放思想,深化用人和分配制度改革,加大引进力度,优化小环境,完善教师流动管理制度。
- Interest parties, please send your detailed resume, expected salary, academic credentials and ID copy, one recent photo by E-mail or mail or fax to us. 我们是一家总部位于美国的环球办公用品公司,现诚邀一名高水准人士加入我们的质检队伍。
- In addition to possessing rich administrative experience, President Lee holds high academic credentials internationally. 李总统不但行政经验丰富,更有崇高的国际学术地位。
- An energetic administrator, Canfield brought prestige, high academic credentials, and a concern for library organization to his tenure. 作为一个精力充沛的管理者,坎菲尔德在他的任期内为图书馆组织带来了声望、高等学术证书和关心。
- Except for a small number of cadres who have to take academic credentials education, the overwhelming majority of cadres would update their knowledge mainly through short-term training. 除少量干部进行学历教育外,绝大多数干部的知识更新主要通过短期培训解决。
- Except for a small number of cadres who have to take academic credentials education,the overwhelming majority of cadres would update their knowledge mainly through short-term training. 除少量干部进行学历教育外,绝大多数干部的知识更新主要通过短期培训解决。
- But the regulations set down by the Ministry of Education are very strict.According to your academic credentials, you could at the most be a full-time lecturer.If I petitioned for a professorial salary, it would be denied for sure. 不过部里定的规矩呆板得很,照先生的学历,只能当专任讲师,教授待遇呈报上去一定要驳下来的。
- As a result, they are vulnerable to an array of potential corruption, from cheating and plagiarism to the falsification of results and academic credentials, financial fraud and bribery. 因此,他们很容易受的成为一系列潜在的腐败行为的影响,从作弊欺骗到和剽窃到和伪造成绩学术资格信用结果,以及虚假帐务和行贿受贿。
- Sotomayor's stellar academic credentials, years on the federal bench and status as a groundbreaking minority woman give Republican opponents little space to attack her qualifications or preparedness. 索托马约尔优异的学术资历、多年的联邦法官经验和史无前例的少数族裔女性身份将使共和党反对派很难攻击她的资格或所做的准备。
- 2 photocopies of official academic credentials 最高学历复印件2 份
- academic credentials of undergraduate courses 本科学历
- colleges with academic credentials education 学历教育院校
- student status and academic credentials 学籍学历
- How to develop clinical physicians of high academic credential and high technical ability is a critical task for clinical medicine. 如何建设一支拥有高学历、又有高临床技能的医师队伍是临床医学界的当务之急。
- She has the perfect credentials for the job. 她做这工作完全够格。
- The new academic year is coming. 新学年就要来了。
- On the Management of School Roll and Academic Credentials 浅谈规范学生学籍学历管理
- She's always shown an academic turn of mind. 她总是表现出学究式的思想方法。