- During the post- WTO ages, the restriction upon intellectual property abusive behavior has become a significant task for international anti-monopoly. 后WTO时代,对知识产权滥用行为进行规制,已经成为国际反垄断的一项重要任务。
- "How can an organization claim that it stands for respect or that it cares about its people when abusive behavior is allowed to go unchecked? “如果某个机构对恶劣的行为睁一只眼闭一只眼,那么它如何能宣称自己代表着尊重,或是关心自己的员工?
- In the United States, credit card fees have become a political issue. Congress has threatened to take action against what critics call abusive behavior by lenders. 在美国,信用卡的费用成为了一个政治上的问题。国会已经被投诉,评论加斥责放贷者滥用行为。
- The Justice Department says domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior used by one partner in any relationship to control another partner. 司法部官员说,家庭暴力可以定义如下:它是在某种关系中的两人,其中一人通过滥用行为来施虐于另一人。
- Abusive Behavior Observation Checklist 虐待行为观察清单
- discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race. 对其他种族的人的歧视或辱骂。
- A sociodemographic sheet, Caregiver Psychological Elder Abuse Behavior Scale (CPEAB), and Caregiver's Burden Scale (CBS) were employed to collect data. 基本资料表、老人照护者精神虐待行为指标量表(CPEAB),及照顾者负荷量表(CBS)为蒐集资料之工具。
- He sometimes lapses from good behavior. 他有时候会行为失检。
- discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race 对其他种族的人的歧视或辱骂
- discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of the opposite sex. 对异性的歧视或辱骂。
- Children's bad behavior is often a reflection on their parents. 小孩的坏品行常常有损父母的名誉。
- Sustained, harshly abusive language; invective. 骂人话尖刻的责骂性言词; 骂语
- She was full of shame at her bad behavior. 她对自己的不良行为感到羞耻。
- The man rounded on him with a torrent of abusive language. 那人突然发起火来,臭骂了他一顿。
- His reputation was blighted by his bad behavior. 他的名誉为他的行为不检所毁。
- discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of the opposite sex 对异性的歧视或辱骂
- One must deplore their violent behavior. 人人都会强烈反对他们的残暴行为。
- He is blind to her bad behavior. 他对她的不良行为视而不见。
- His behavior filled her with disgust. 她对他的行为充满了厌恶。
- How Aladdin and Abu got out of the cave? 阿拉丁和阿布是怎么逃出那个岩洞的?