- I suppose what he said is absolutely true. 我认为他所说的是绝对正确的。
- I suppose what he says is absolutely true. 我认为他所说的是绝对正确的。
- It's bummer 4 , but it's absolutely true. 这着实让人不愉快,但确是实情。
- What he just said is absolutely true. 你刚才说的完全是真实的。
- It is absolutely true that I will get a promotion soon. 不久我会被提升的事绝对是真的。
- They are absolutely true to every word that comes out of their mouth. 他们对每一个字都是千真万确出自其口。
- An authoritative principle,belief,or statement of ideas or opinion,especially one considered to be absolutely true. 信条有权威的原理、信仰或观念意见的陈述,尤指人们认为绝对正确者
- GEN.OWENS: I think that it is absolutely true that you can change the deterrence theory with the revolution in military affairs. 欧文斯:我认为军事革命能够追求致威慑理论的变化,这是完全正确的。
- The wavering of a mind under such circumstances is an almost inexplicable thing, and yet it is absolutely true. 在这种情况下,心里的那种犹豫不决,几乎是件不可思议的事,但却是千真万确的。
- It is absolutely true that a wooden boat cannot compare with a steamer, much less than airplane. 木船比不上轮船,更比不上飞机,千真万确。
- Besides, all I said, though it sounded extravagant, was absolutely true to fact. 更何况,虽然我讲的所有的话听起来有点离谱儿,但千真万确符合事实。
- His vision was of a prosperous, progressive Texas, and he stayed absolutely true to that goal. 他的目标是一个繁荣进步的得克萨斯,而且,他始终不渝地坚信他的目标。
- An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true. 信条有权威的原理、信仰或观念意见的陈述,尤指人们认为绝对正确者
- Gen Owen: I think that it is absolutely true that you can change the deterrence theory with the revolution in military affairs. 欧文斯:我认为军事革命能够追求致威慑理论的变化,这是完全正确的。
- OWENS: I think that it is absolutely true that you can change the deterrence theory with the revolution in military affairs. 欧文斯:我完全同意你所说的那种看法,变革军事理论、作战概念及文化是军事革命所面临的最大挑战, 在美国,我们有150万士兵、水手、飞行员和海军陆战队员。
- Usually control the volume control microphone volume size, this is absolutely true control of the microphone recording volume control! 一般都是控制音量控制中麦克风音量大小,这个绝对是真正的控制录音控制中的麦克风音量!
- It's absolutely true - the light sabre that Luke himself used to fight the Dark Side is on its own six million mile trip into space. 这是绝对真实的!卢克用来对抗邪恶的光剑现在正在它600万英里的太空旅途上。
- The author of this paper points out that Breton's "superrealism" refers to the absolutely true irrational inclinations of individual life such as desire, impulse and subco... 艾特玛托夫的"超现实"指的是作品所描述的高于现实的理想世界,它既符合逻辑,又富于理性。
- "For the past six years my life has been my family and Chelsea football club.Some players can say that and it sounds cliched or fake.I can say it because it is absolutely true. 在过去的六年里,我的生活就只有我的家庭和切尔西足球俱乐部,有些运动员可以这么说,或许这听起来有些陈词滥调或者可以说是在撒谎,但是我可以这么说,因为这是千真万确的。
- Kim Ruyle, vice president of leadership and talent consulting at executive recruiters Korn/Ferry International, agrees.'I think it's absolutely true,' he says. 高管猎头公司光辉国际有限公司(Korn/FerryInternational)负责领导力和人才咨询的副总裁KimRuyle同意这种看法。