- Application of 0.618 Method on Calculating Absolute Maximum Deflection of Primary Beam 计算主梁绝对最大挠度的数学模型与0.;618法
- Research on analytic solution of absolute maximum deflection of simply supported beam subjected to any finite moving loads 任意有限个平行移动荷载作用下简支梁绝对最大挠度的解析算法研究
- 618 method calculation on absolute maximum deflection on primary beam within bridge system composed of longitudinal and transverse beams 纵横梁桥面系统主梁绝对最大挠度的0.;618算法
- absolute maximum deflection 绝对最大挠度
- What is the absolute maximum you can afford to pay? 你最多能出多少钱?
- The absolute maximum allowed value. 允许的绝对最大值。
- The result precision and scale have an absolute maximum of 38. 结果精度和小数位数的绝对最大值为38。
- Rotational deformation of the shaft will produce maximum deflection. 转动的泵轴会弯曲变形,产生最大挠度。
- First you inform the captain and crew of imminent attack, and tell the pilot which way to break away to give the enemy maximum deflection. 首先你警告机长和同伴正在逼近的攻击,同时告诉飞机员往哪个方向敌机最难命中,让我们逃脱厄运。
- Beat this radial superposition with the maximum deflection, the Sandy Bay will be the radial clearance b partial dynamic bmax maximum and minimum gap clearance bmin. 这种径向跳动与最大挠度叠加后,口环的径向间隙b便有局部的动态最大间隙bmax和最小间隙bmin。
- VOH is the absolute maximum voltage level with respect to VDD (drain-to-drain voltage) that the output can reach. VOH为相对于输出所能达到VDD的绝对电压最大值。
- The IIK absolute maximum rating specifies the maximum current that may be put through the ground-clamp diode. 输入箝位电流IIK规定了流过接地箝位二极管的最大电流的绝对最大额定值。
- Absolute Maximum Ratings*- Voltages are with respect to VEE unless otherwise stated. 绝对最大额定参数-如果没有说明,电压符合VEE。
- Corollary Let be a continuous function on a closed interval, then can obtain any number between its absolute maximum and its absolute minimum . 推论在闭区间上连续的函数必取得介于最大值与最小值之间的任何值。
- The girder's vertical stiffness is large, so the maximum deflection is only1/4200 of the span and the maximum longitudinal tensile and compressive stressgenerated by the live load is 1/4 and 1/9 of the stress generated by the dead loadrespectively. 在本文研究中,上部结构在自重、预应力和最不利活载共同作用下的最大挠度仅为跨度的 1/4200。 此外,由最不利活载引起的上部主梁的最大纵向拉应力和压应力值,分别仅为自重相应值的 1/4 和 1/9。
- The correct algorithm for the absolute maximum and the isopleth of the ground level concentration of radiative fumigation(GLCRF)is presented. 介绍了熏烟地面浓度绝对最大值及其空间分布的正确计算方法。
- The analysis indicates that the maximum deflection is directly proportional to density and the square of span, and inversely proportional to stress, but independent of diameter and elastic modulus. 分析结果表明:由于丝线长径比很大,丝线的最大挠度跟密度以及跨度的平方成正比,与所受的应力成反比,而同丝线的直径的具体数值和材料的刚度无关。
- The absolute maximum ratings section (Figure 2) specifies the stress levels that, if exceeded, may cause permanent damage to the device. 绝对最大额定值部分(图2)规定了耐压等级,如否,就可能对器件造成永久性的损坏。
- Interest Rate Ceiling The absolute maximum rate of interest that a financial institution can charge for an adjustable rate mortgage or loan. This is regulated by the government. 最高利率一家金融机构对任何可调整利率的房地产抵押或贷款可收取的最高利率,最高利率受到政府监管。
- In structural design,intensity stiffenss and stability need to be calculated,thereinto, calculation of absolute maximum bending moment and position is the most important. 在结构设计中,需要对梁的强度、刚度、稳定性等方面进行计算,其中绝对最大弯矩及位置的计算极为重要的。