- To prepare a machine-language program from a symbolic language program by substituting absolute operation codes for symbolic operation codes and in absolute or relocatable addresses for symbolic addresses. 从符号语言程序产生一个机器语言程序,就是用绝对操作码代换符号操作码,用绝对地址或浮动地址代换符号地址。
- That hill's an absolute doddle (to climb). (爬)上那座山岗毫不费力。
- We now have the absolute proof of his guilt. 我们现在有他犯罪的确凿证据。
- Her new dress is an absolute dream. 她的新连衣裙漂亮极了。
- My secretary is an absolute gem. 我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人。
- There is no absolute standard for beauty. 美是没有绝对的标准的。
- At that price it's an absolute gift! 那个价钱,纯粹是白给。
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。
- The soldier showed absolute fearlessness of danger. 这位士兵显示了对危险的毫无畏惧。
- That store operator ripped me off. 那个商店的营业员把我骗了。
- The police have absolute proof of his guilt. 警方有他犯罪的确凿证据。
- An absolute ruler can do just as he pleases. 一个专制的统治者可以为所欲为。
- God has absolute power over all. 全能的神(指基督教的上帝)。
- There's no absolute standard for it. 它没有绝对的标准。
- The operator told the caller that the line is busy. 接线生告诉打电话的人对方电话占线。
- Ring the operator and ask for Freefone 8921. 接通接线生,然後要免费通话8921号。
- The act of assigning absolute addresses to a program. 将绝对地址分配给某个程序的操作过程。
- The intricate machine requires a skilled operator. 这种复杂精细的机器须由技能熟练的人操作。
- I have absolute trust in the (skill of) doctors. 我绝对相信医生(的医术).
- Be careful with him -- he's a cute operator. 对他你得留神,他是个精明圆滑的家夥。