- The company has an absolute interest in the building. 该公司对这座楼房拥有绝对产权。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
- The company has an absolute interest in the building. Academic intelligence 学术方面的才智
- That hill's an absolute doddle (to climb). (爬)上那座山岗毫不费力。
- We now have the absolute proof of his guilt. 我们现在有他犯罪的确凿证据。
- Her new dress is an absolute dream. 她的新连衣裙漂亮极了。
- My secretary is an absolute gem. 我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人。
- He has an interest in a brewery. 他在一酿造厂有股份。
- Judgment is often biased by interest. 判断往往因利害关系而产生偏差。
- There is no absolute standard for beauty. 美是没有绝对的标准的。
- At that price it's an absolute gift! 那个价钱,纯粹是白给。
- Now Lao Jiao took even more interest in his job. 现在老焦对工作兴趣更大了。
- The soldier showed absolute fearlessness of danger. 这位士兵显示了对危险的毫无畏惧。
- I can't work up any interest in this book. 我对这本书提不起任何兴趣。
- The police have absolute proof of his guilt. 警方有他犯罪的确凿证据。
- He showed no interest in the world around him. 他对周围的一切都不感兴趣。
- An absolute ruler can do just as he pleases. 一个专制的统治者可以为所欲为。
- Await your reply with interest, we be. 对此,我司抱有很大的兴趣、恭候回信。
- God has absolute power over all. 全能的神(指基督教的上帝)。
- The People's Bank compounds interest yearly. 人民银行以年为单位计算复利。