- As an absolute amount, $5 million is a lot of losses, but, if you are processing $300 million, whatever. 在这一刻,5,000,000美金是不小的损失,但如果是象300,000,000美金这样呢?”
- When the numerator and the denominator of the ratio both decrease by the same absolute amount, the arithmetic, of course, works to reduce the ratio. 当分子与分母均按相同的绝对数额减少时,得出的百分比自然会下降。
- Monitoring Absolute Amount of Deformation with Relative Displacement Method 绝对变形量的相对位移法监测
- That hill's an absolute doddle (to climb). (爬)上那座山岗毫不费力。
- We now have the absolute proof of his guilt. 我们现在有他犯罪的确凿证据。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- Her new dress is an absolute dream. 她的新连衣裙漂亮极了。
- My secretary is an absolute gem. 我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人。
- There is no absolute standard for beauty. 美是没有绝对的标准的。
- The carpet will stand any amount of wear. 这地毯极其耐用。
- At that price it's an absolute gift! 那个价钱,纯粹是白给。
- The soldier showed absolute fearlessness of danger. 这位士兵显示了对危险的毫无畏惧。
- The police have absolute proof of his guilt. 警方有他犯罪的确凿证据。
- The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured. 险损赔偿额保险人从承保人获得的赔偿数量
- An absolute ruler can do just as he pleases. 一个专制的统治者可以为所欲为。
- A large amount was deceived by that deceiver. 一大笔钱被那个骗子骗走了。
- God has absolute power over all. 全能的神(指基督教的上帝)。
- The total amount is in the fifties. 总共五十多个。
- There's no absolute standard for it. 它没有绝对的标准。
- Just think of the amount of time wasted. 想一想多少时间被浪费了。