- The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats. 火车突然刹车,使许多乘客从座位上跌下来。
- The cat came to an abrupt stop when it saw the dog. 这只猫一看到狗便突然站住。
- His speech comes to an abrupt stop. 他的演讲突然停止了。
- The train come to an abrupt stop. 火车突然停住了。
- The car went a abrupt stop within a meter from him. 汽车在离他不到一米远的地方突然停住。
- The train came to an abrupt stop,making many passengers fall off their seats. 火车突然刹车,使许多乘客从座位上跌下来。
- The van comes to an abrupt stop to avoid committing the traffic lights. 货车为了不闯红灯,来了个急停。
- Thus, shortly alter the victory of the Allies, cooperation came to an abrupt stop. 因此战争胜利后,双方的核合作很快中止。
- Bink came to an abrupt stop by the bed of sponge, his face flushing even now with the keen embarrassment of the memory. 宾克在一片珊瑚海绵前停下脚步,即使现在想起这件极度尴尬的事情,他的脸都会臊得通红。
- She began to walk forward very fast, but a couple of seconds later she came to an abrupt stop. 她开始快速向前走,但是几秒钟后她又突然停了下来。
- The skies darkened and there was lightning in the air. Just a few feet short of the hunter, the bear came to an abrupt stop, and glanced around, somewhat confused. 天暗了下来,空中出现一道闪电。就在猎人前面不远处,熊突然停住,环顾四周,颇为疑惑。
- Suddenly, out of nowhere, two lovers appeared; every few yards they stopped and embraced, and when I could no longer follow them with my eyes I followed the sound of their steps, heard the abrupt stop, and then the slow, meandering gait. 我听到一列火车隆隆驶过西伯利亚荒原,看到于特里约画的围栏、天空、深深的车辙,突然不知从哪儿冒出两个情人来,他们走几码就要站下拥抱一番。
- If you abruptly stop movement after exercise, there is no way for the blood to be returned for cleansing, reoxygenation and redistribution. 如果你在运动后突然地停止活动,血液就无法回流和净化,以及再氧化和再次进行输送。
- The meeting came to an abrupt end. 会议突然结束了。
- The hovercraft abruptly stopped in front of them and all 5 people jumped down. 气垫车哗然停在三人面前,五人一起跳下车来。
- It's very unlike him to be so abrupt. 他这麽粗鲁可不像他平时的样子。
- She was offended by his abrupt manner. 他的粗率无礼的举止触怒了她。
- That young man has an abrupt manner. 那个年轻人态度很无礼。
- He hasn't the willpower to stop eating so much. 他缺乏意志力,克制不住自己的贪吃。
- I stop with my brother while I am in Beijing. 我去北京总是住在哥哥家里。