- That's beyond the reach of my imagination. 那是我想象不到的。
- His thought is beyond the reach of my imagination. 他的思想不是我所能想像得到的。
- Such matters are beyond the reach of the law. 这样的事情不受法律的保护。
- It's altogether beyond the reach of possibility. 伸展超出某人能力范围。
- However, the loadings are not showing up off the reaches of the navigation system above the locks and dams. 但是,目前货物还没有进入船闸和大坝上游的航运系统。
- He was beyond the reach of human aid. 任何人的帮助都帮不了他。
- Tianjin is within the reach of Beijing. 天津离北京很近。
- I find salesmanship is beyond the reach of you. 我发现我做不了推销工作。
- Keep the juicer out of the reach of children. 切勿让儿童接触本产品。
- It's beyond the reach of human aid. 那是人力所不及的。
- Put the toy within the reach of that baby. 把玩具放到婴儿拿得到的地方。
- Luxuries are not within the reach of the poor. 穷人享受不到豪华奢侈的生活。
- She did not understand the reaches of life at all. 她完全不懂得人生的深浅。
- Granny put the fish out of the reach of the cat. 奶奶把鱼放在猫够不着的地方。
- It's beyond the reach of my knowledge. 那超出了我的知识范围。
- Keep ink cartridges out of the reach of children. 将墨盒放在小孩拿不到的地方。
- Keep the pills out of the reach of the children! 把药放到孩子们够不到的地方!
- She's a cut above the rest (of her colleagues). 她比其他(共事的)人略胜一筹。
- That question is beyond the reach of the beginners. 那问题初学者无法理解。
- It's out of the reach of my imagination. 这出乎我的想象。