- In British army a field marshal ranks above a general. 在英国陆军中,元帅的军衔比上将高。
- There is a generation gap between my parents and I. 我父母和我之间有代沟。
- From a hill above a corpsestrewn plain a general speaking to his officers, leaned upon his spear. 尸骸累累的平原,一位将军站在小山岗上,拄着矛枪,正对他的部下训话。
- The captain of a ship is above a seaman. 船长地位高于水手。
- A lieutenant general is above a captain. 中将比上尉的职位高。
- A general is above a major. 将军军衔在少校军衔之上。
- None of us had ever set eyes on a generator before. 我们过去谁也没看见过发电机。
- Petrol forms vapour above a certain temperature. 高于一定的温度汽油就形成蒸气。
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。
- Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action. 鲍威尔先生已经拟定了一个总的行动计划。
- He is so weak that he cannot speak above a whisper. 他十分虚弱,讲话声音低得象耳语。
- The rebels returned home under a general amnesty. 造反的人经大赦释放回家。
- "Nothing happens without a cause" is a generality. “凡事必有因”是一个通则。
- A lieutenant-colonel ranks above a major. 中校军阶高于少校。
- Do you think it's a general trend? 你认为这是总的趋势吗?
- The town is perched on a hill (above a lake). 小镇坐落在小山上(俯瞰湖泊处)。
- A generation ago buxom actresses were popular. 一代人以前丰满的女演员很受欢迎。
- A colonel is three steps above a captain. 上校比上尉的级别高三级。
- He is thrown back a generation by shaving. 他因刮了胡子而显得年轻了。
- A lieutenant colonel ranks above a major. 陆军中校比少校级别高。