- abortive coup attempt 未遂政变
- The coup attempt appeared to have ended in failure. 这一政变企图似乎以失败而告终。
- A string of abortive coup plans leaked to the media and crude attempts to block Mr Gul's elevation to the presidency have dented the army's image and bolstered that of AK. 军队被媒体泄露的一系列未遂政变,阻碍居尔先生升任为总统的未遂意图已经损坏了军队的形象,反而巩固了AK党的统治。
- Charles de Gaulle was almost assassinated in 1960 and survived a coup attempt in 1961. 戴高乐甚至在1960年差一点遭到暗杀以及1961年面临政变的危机。
- By late afternoon, the White House had reversed course, condemning the coup attempt as "misguided and illegitimate. 当天下午,白宫就宣布了截然相反的立场,谴责了政变,称其为“误导的,非法的行为。”
- One of the images most associated with Yeltsin is that of him sitting on a tank during the raucous street rallies that marked the coup attempt. 叶利钦最贴切的形象是他在一标志着政变的暴乱的街市上的形象;当时他正坐在坦克上.
- In Japan, author Yukio Mishima and two compatriots commit ritualistic suicide after failing to sway public opinion during an unsuccessful coup attempt. 年,日本作家三岛由纪夫在政变失败后,同两名同胞剖腹自尽。
- Georgian officials linked the reported coup attempt to Russia, and said it was intended to topple President Mikael Saakashvili. 格鲁吉亚官员认为政变意图跟俄罗斯有关,指俄罗斯有意推翻格鲁吉亚总统萨卡什维利。
- Not only do Labour Party rules make it tough to unseat a leader, but the plotting against Mr Brown is even less co-ordinated than it was during last year's failed coup attempt. 不但工党的规章决定了领袖更张换衔困难重重,而且夺取领导权的阴谋甚至于比去年失败的政变都要潦草。
- Yeltsin became the first democratically elected president of Russia in 1991 and two months later put down a coup attempt against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. 叶利钦是于1991年首次由民主选举出来的总统,两个月后他成功的平定了一企图推翻了前苏联主席戈尔巴乔夫的政变。
- A member of the military-led group, Army captain Smars announced coup attempt on state radio Tuesday, saying soldiers have dissolved the government and suspended the constitution. 一位军队组织的成员,军队上尉萨玛在星期四的国家电台宣布了这次行动。他说军队已经解散了政府和停滞了宪法。
- Thailand has had eighteen coups or coup attempts since 1932. 自1932年以来,泰国已发起了18次政变或蓄意政变。
- Guinea Bissau has a history of coups and coup attempts. 几内亚比绍历来有政变和企图政变的传统。
- I made an abortive attempt to win his support. 我白费了力气去赢得他的支持。
- An abortive attempt to conclude the negotiations. 为结束谈判的不成功尝试
- It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability. 那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。
- The article is an attempt to defame an honest man. 这篇文章旨在诋毁一个正直的人。
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 试图用暴力消除异端邪说是徒劳的。
- The army staged a coup (d'etat). 军方发动了一场政变。
- I made no attempt to make friends with her. 我没有打算要和她做朋友。