- abnormal signal handling 设备异常信号处理
- Race conditions can also occur in signal handling. 在信号中也会发生竞争条件。
- Abnormal signal intensities were also seen in dentate nuclei (8/25, 32%) and upper cervical cord (6/25, 24%). 另外部份在小脑齿状核区(8/25,32%25)和上颈脊髓(6/25,24%25)也发现有高讯号病灶。
- See the section on Advanced Event and Signal Handling for more details on this propagation process. 这个传播过程的详情请参见高级事件和信号处理章节。
- The multiplexers and switches conduct equally well in both directions and offer rail-to-rail analog signal handling. 这些多路复用器及开关均能够同样出色地在两个方向上进行导电,并可进行轨至轨模拟信号处理。
- We report 10 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS)whose MR imaging showed abnormal signal intensity in brain. 本文分析10例获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)的脑部MRI表现。
- There was also abnormal signal intensity of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae at the same levels where the abnormal epidural tissue existed. 在与异常组织同水平的胸腰椎体内也发现了异常信号。
- Through the signal handling of affer end circuit system,the linear output and display of angular displacement can be obtained. 经后续信号电路系统的技术处理,即可获得角位移的线性输出、显示。
- Decomposing the new data set by EMD method again,a set of new IMFs is obtained,which is quite different than the one with abnormal signal. 将滤除了异常干扰的数据再次进行 EMD分解 ,可以得到新的 IMF系列 ,而它与不加校正的分解结果有相当大的差别 ,可靠地反映了真实物理过程。
- Howeverwith MRI scanning 9 cases had abnormal signal change in medulla oblongata, 5 cases had abnormal signal change incerebellum, 2 cases had abnormal signal in basal ganglion. 发病72h内头部MRI检查,9例延髓有异常信号改变,5例小脑有异常信号改变,2例基底节区有异常信号改变。
- Kernel signal handling is rather elaborate, because the POSIX semantics allows processes to temporarily block signals. 内核信号处理是很复杂的过程,因为POSIX信号语义允许进程临时禁止某些信号的接收。
- A great deal of abnormal signal exists in radio cor respondence. It has important meaning that searching and finding this signal in radio monitor, but the abnormal signal is concealed by "sponge" collecting data, and is mixed up no ise. 无线电通信中存在大量异常信号,搜索和发现这些信号在无线电监测中具有重要的意义,然而这些异常信号隐藏在"海量"的采集数据中,并伴有大量噪声,难以有效发现。
- Results MRI appearances of painful ophthalmoplegia syndrome included patch or small nodule abnormal signal at the region of fissura orbitalis superior. The ipsilateral cavernous sinus was enlarged. 结果痛性眼肌麻痹综合征MRI表现为眶上裂区斑片状或小结节状异常信号,患侧海绵窦增大、增宽,眶上裂和海绵窦邻近的颞叶脑膜局限性受累。
- There are a few more operations that can be done securely in signals, but not many, and you must have a deep understanding of signal handling before doing so. 还有几个操作可以在信号中安全地完成,但不是很多,而且在处理信号之前,您必须对它有深入的理解。
- MRI demonstrated abnormal signals, thickness of optic nerve and white matter lesions in brain. mri可表现为视神经异常信号和视神经增粗,部分患者伴有脑白质异常。
- The abnormal expression of CD28 and CD80 on PBMC in patients with active SLE suggests an abnormal signal pathway between antigen presenting cells(APCs) and T cells in SLE patients. SLE患者外周血T细胞及APC间存在异常的CD28-CD80。
- The results of simulation and test in gearwheel fault diagnosis prove that Time-Frequency analysis can reduce noise and detect weak abnormal signal effectively by designing reasonable kernel function. 仿真分析和齿轮早期故障检测实验证明,通过核函数的合理设计,能够有效滤除噪声,实现对机械设备早期故障产生的微弱异常振动信号的检测。
- Abnormal signals in basal ganglia of 4 patients of 129Met/Met homozygote occurred after 2.5 months averagely, they survived for 10.5 months at average. 4例甲硫氨酸纯合型 (12 9Met/Met)底节T2 异常信号发现时间平均 2 5个月 ,存活时间平均 10 5个月 ;
- On MRI, abnormal signals due to spinal cord compression, tears of posterior longitudinal ligament and interspinous ligament were demonstrated. MRI同时还显示了脊髓受压信号异常及后纵韧带、棘间韧带、椎间盘的撕裂。
- Head CT or MRI showed hypodense or abnormal signals in bilateral frontal,parietal and temporal lobes and/or basal ganglion regions. 头颅CT或MRI均显示双侧额、顶、颞叶或基底节区大片状低密度影或异常信号。