- abnormal rising of lung Qi 肺气上逆
- abnormal rising of stomach-energy caused by retention of fluid 水逆
- dizziness caused by the abnormal rising of vital energy 下厥上冒
- It is an authentic work of Qi Baishi. 这是齐白石的真迹。
- It can prevent the abnormally rise of vascular permeability, suppress the coagulation of erythrocyte and haematoblast, ameliorate microcirculation, etc. 具有防止血管通透性异常升高,抑制红细胞和血小板凝结,改善微循环等作用。
- Cabbage is a well-known example of Qi's work. “白菜”是齐白石的一个著名作品。
- The State of Qi grew more powerful day by day. 这样,齐国变得越来越富,齐国人过得越来越好,而国王的威望,自然也就越来越高了。
- Observation on abnormal rise of myocardial enzymes caused by tetramine poison 毒鼠强中毒致心肌酶谱异常升高36例观察
- The blood serves as the mother of Qi. 血为气之母
- The man of Qi worries in case the sky should fall. 杞人忧天。
- Our price remain unchanged in spite of the recent rise of the market. 尽管最近市场需求增加,我们的价格依然没变。
- Response to Power Network Frequency Abnormal Rising of MITSUBISHI 350 MW Unit and Counter-measures Discussion 350MW机组对电网频率异常升高的响应及对策
- The King' s cruelty excited a rising of the people. 国王的残暴引起了人民的反抗。
- The King's cruelty excited a rising of the people. 国王的残暴引起了人民的反抗。
- There is a minister called Yan Ying in the state of Qi. 齐国有一个叫晏婴的大臣。
- From the rising of the sun to its going down. 从日出之地到日落之处。
- The disharmony of qi and blood may cause various diseases. 气血不和,百病乃变化而生。
- He watched the rising of the moon. 他看着冉冉升起的月亮。
- The prince was given a warm reception in the State of Qi. 晋文公在齐国得到了很好的接待,齐恒公还把齐国的一个公主嫁给了他。
- The rising of a star above the horizon. 起于地平线之上。