- THAILAND has had but a caretaker government, and no parliament, for five months now. 泰国的议会解散了,政府也成了看守内阁(:根据泰国宪法,下议院一解散,原内阁立刻成为看守内阁)这种情况已经持续了5个月。
- This might imply a caretaker government, so that, in an election next year, Mr Karzai would “just be another candidate rather than the incumbent”. 这也许意味着需要一个过渡政府,因而,在明年的选举中,卡尔扎伊会“仅仅是另一个候选人而不是现任总统”。
- a caretaker government;a caretaker administration. 临时执政政府;临时管理
- a caretaker government; a caretaker administration. 临时执政政府;临时管理
- A caretaker boss is expected to be named today. 预计今天一位看守所所长将会上任。
- a caretaker government 看守政府
- He remains in office as a caretaker until a new government is in place. 在新政府组成之前,奥尔默特将一直担任看守总理。
- The chancellor seems to accept that hers is perforce a cautious, caretaker government. 默克尔总理似乎早已认清她的现任政府不过是一个如履薄冰的过渡期政府。
- Caretaker governments normally don't rate presidential visits. 看守政府按理不适合接待总统来访。
- We must put in a caretaker to carry out the duties during her absence. 她不在时我们得指派一个临时执行职务的人。
- A right-of-centre caretaker government failed to gain a confidence vote last week, starting a new round of bickering and arm-twisting. 中间偏右的看守政府上星期没能通过信任投票,从而开始了新一轮的争吵和施压。
- Until elections in October, a competent-looking caretaker government will run the country, headed by the chief statistician, Jan Fischer. 在十月选举之前,由看似有能力的首席统计员吉恩费舍尔为首的授权临时政府将管理国家。
- Also in Australia, the Gold Coast wants a caretaker on South Stradbroke Island. 此外,澳大利亚的黄金海岸的南斯脱布克岛也需要一名护岛人。
- Lemurs are feed by a caretaker at Madagascar's Antananarivo's Tsimbazaza Zoo. 在非洲岛国马达加斯加首都塔那那利佛的赞巴札札动物园中,饲养员正在喂三只可爱的狐猴。
- UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon approves of progress made by Bangladesh caretaker government to restore public trust and implement positive reforms. 联合国秘书长潘基文赞许孟加拉政府,在重获民众信心和实施积极改革上的进展。
- International observers are preliminarily deeming the election fair, which came after a two-year period of emergency rule by an army-backed caretaker government. 国际观察员初步认为投票是公正的,这次选举是在受到军方支持的看守政府结束两年紧急状态之后举行的。
- A bigger loss, and it becomes more likely that the LDP will choose a caretaker leader and then call a general election. 一个更大的失败,并且很有可能成为现实的是自民党将成立看守内阁并随即举行大选。
- The caretaker stokes up twice a day. 管理员每天往火里加两次煤。
- It's hard to imagine Pino as a caretaker, at28 inches it's simply too tiny to push a wheelchair. 很难想象小匹诺能照顾别人,它才28英寸高,推轮椅它可不是个儿。
- A small house on the grounds of an estate or a park,used by a caretaker or gatekeeper. 门房庄园或公园里的小屋,供管理员或看门人使用