- But he is a bogeyman from a bygone age. 但是现在有关自由市场的一切都是过去式了。
- It was totally over the top, like parties from a bygone age. 一切都极尽夸张之能事,好像是来自某个旧时代的派对。
- People of a bygone age rode the yellow cranes and flew away. 昔人已乘黄鹤去
- Like a monument to a bygone age the factory lies in front of my 'window. 这座轮胎制造厂犹如一座古代纪念碑屹立在我的窗前。
- Then retreat to a bygone age with high tea on the verandah of the luxurious colonial-style hotel, Carcosa Seri Negara. 然后回到过去的年代,端一杯下午茶,坐在豪华的、具有殖民风格喀克沙酒店阳台上细细品味。
- Sidewalks have disappeared in some locations as useless adornments from a bygone age. 在一些地方,人行道就像毫无用处的装饰品早已消失在过去的年代里了。
- The Taoist theory is certainly wrong which says that the Utopia of mankind is the primitivity of a bygone age. 道家的理论说,人类的乌托邦是远古原始社会、这种理论肯定错了。
- At the same time remember a bygone age, an old-fashioned looks, but true era of clumsy. 同时怀念一个逝去的时代,一个显得老土、笨拙但是真实的时代。
- Beyond being a record of the landscape and architecture of a bygone age, the old photographs also hint at the economic developments of Macao. 除了记录昔日的景象和建筑之外,老照片还暗示了澳门的经济发展情况。
- Beside him is his sheepdog, and all around the flock of sheep-it is a picture from a bygone age, a world not much different, essentially, from in Jesus' time. 原因可能是悉心照看羊群的善牧,在我们的脑海里有著其不变的原型;也可能是基于耶稣亲口教诲的影响力。
- Our family was very poor in the bygone age. 我家过去很穷。
- The room had the elegance of a bygone era. 这个房间有着旧时代的优雅。
- The dusty precepts of a bygone era. 过去时代的枯燥戒律
- a bygone age 过去的年代
- relics of a bygone age 以往年代的遗风
- The notion of "one of the good ones" is "almost a bygone phrase. 所谓"一个好的",是"几乎一语生辉"
- For that alone, his letters are a unique record of a bygone milieu. 单凭最后一点,他的信笺便是对往昔社会环境的一份独特记录。
- Before twelve hours had passed a harvest atmosphere would be a bygone thing. 十二个小时之后,一片收获的景象就会荡然无存了。
- However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified... |不过,不惮于重提昔日烦恼的他 依然活力盎然...
- Many people also find typewriters charming ambassadors of a bygone era. 许多人也发现打字机在过去一个世纪深得外交大使们的推崇。”