- a woeful cry, look, sight 悲惨的哭声、 神情、 情景.
- He sat there, wearing a woeful look. 他坐在那里, 表情忧伤。
- His work displays a woeful lack of imagination. 他的作品令人遗憾地显示出缺乏想像力。
- She displayed a woeful ignorance of the rules. 她对这些条例表现出可悲的无知。
- Nearly every business has a woeful tale to tell. 几乎所有的行业都有苦衷。
- "A woeful hostess brooks not merry guests. 心情凄苦的女主人,受不了欢娱的宾客;
- Ah Liu suddenly entered with a woeful look and asked for a tip. 阿刘忽然进来,哭丧着脸向他讨小费。
- What a sight you look in those old clothes! 你穿上那些旧衣服样子可真怪!
- P'eng-t'u and his wife also gave their son a severe scolding and forbade him to eat any more.With a woeful look, Ah Ch'ou sulked and refused to get down from his chair. 鹏图跟二奶奶也痛骂儿子,不许他再吃,阿丑哭丧了脸,赖着不肯下椅子。
- Failure to keep pace in the fast-changing computer world can exact a woeful price. 在计算机世界里跟不上急速变化的步伐就要付出可悲的代价。
- She gave a cry and fell to the floor. 她叫了一声就倒在了地板上。
- China's state-owned commercial bank finds itself in a woeful predicament, and its reform is beset with difficulties. 中国国有商业银行身陷困局,改革困难重重。
- How they long to get a sight of their native land! 他们多么渴望看一看故乡啊!
- A cry of horror burst forth from the children. 孩子们中间突然发出一声惊叫。
- England scored a very comfortable win yesterday against a woeful looking Israel side. 昨天的英格兰在对阵以色列的比赛当中赢得很舒服。
- A top hat is a rare sight these days. 高顶大礼帽现在已不多见。
- And then the lover, sighing lide furnace,with a woeful ballad made to his mistress' eyebrow. 然后是个讲恋爱的,叹起气来象风箱,做一首伤心的情诗献给他情人的眉毛。
- I just caught a sight of a bike flying by. 我只是看见一辆自行车飞快驶过。
- Officials in that town take bribes openly, while the masses are leading a woeful life. 那个小镇上官员贿赂公行, 老百姓生活苦不堪言。
- He yearned for a sight of the old, familiar faces. 他渴望一见那些熟悉的老面孔。