- a twist on the shorts 杀空头
- I am able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号。
- I was able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号。
- DG: hey vivi, just a suggestion on flat hair, I used to have this problem then my hair stylist suggested the following: Pile hair into a twist on the top of your head, then make a ballerina bun use... 你能忍受接发那么久,好厉害。我只接过一次,不到两个星期就拆了,感觉很疙疙瘩瘩的,洗头的时候还可以忍受,睡觉好不舒服...
- Is he the short man on the right? 右边那个矮个子是他吗?
- It's a new twist on the old story: burger mouse meets coffee mouse. 故事的开始是汉堡鼠和咖啡鼠相遇进而相识,这个古老的童话故事出现了新的转折。
- The singular storyline puts a twist on a hackneyed subject, providing fresh and provocative entertainment. 独特的剧情展开让常见的题材耳目一新,从而追求一种新鲜辛辣的乐趣。
- They carried on the exercise after a short break. 在短暂的休息之后他们继续锻炼。
- It had action, adventure, mystery and another great twist on the ending. 它充满了动作、冒险和神秘,并且结尾处又一次出现大转折。
- Good company on the road is the shortest cut. 行路有良伴就是捷径。
- He reminiscences on the shortness of life. 他感怀生命的稍纵即逝。
- Of course, the emphasis here is on the short term. 当然,这里强调的是短期效益。
- I promise I won't spend more than a hundred pounds in the sales so don't get your knickers in a twist. 我答应我去逛贱卖场时花费不会超出100英镑,因此你不必惊慌。
- He lit his pipe with a twist of paper. 他用纸煤点燃了烟斗。
- The new service, a twist on videophone products which have been around for years, will enable users to transmit and receive their images as they communicate. 这一新的服务项目是从可视电话上演化而来的,它容许用户们在通讯时同时接收到对方传来的图像。
- She is pounding out a new rune on the piano. 他正在钢琴上弹奏一支新曲。
- And how's this for a twist on life imitating art: Now that Holloman has had her child (6-month-old Lola) Beals has revealed that she's expecting! 而且真的是人生如戏:目前Holloman生了孩子(六个月大的Lola),而Beals说她正期待著她宝宝的诞生。
- The newspaper got a scoop on the airplane crash. 该报独家报导了那次飞机失事。
- A twist of fate; a story with a quirky twist. 命运的扭转; 跌宕起伏的故事
- There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。