- From the monent it leaves the nest, it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one. 从离开雀巢的那一刻起,它就在寻找这荆棘树,知道如愿以偿才歇息下来。
- From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one. 从离开巢窝的那一刻起,这只鸟儿就在寻找着荆棘树,直到如愿以偿,才肯歇息下来。
- Long Ago, there was a bird to sang just once in its life. From the moment it left its nest, it searched for a thorn tree. 很久以前,有一种鸟,一生只歌唱一次。从它离巢的一刻起,它就在寻找一棵荆棘树。
- His sister is a thorn in his flesh. 他的妹妹使他伤透脑筋。
- She searched the longest leaf for a thorn tree, 它就寻找荆棘树上最长的叶子
- He was a thorn in the police's flesh. 他是警方的眼中钉。
- She got her finger pricked by a thorn. 她的手指被刺扎了一下。
- He was a thorn in the police's side. 他是警方的眼中钉。
- There are few more striking symbols of Africa than a thorn tree - its gnarled branches, graceful form, jagged thorns and abundant blooms, in many ways reflecting the paradoxes of the continent. 很少能有比荆棘树更能代表非洲的了-粗糙的树枝,优美的树形,参差的刺针以及绚烂的花朵,从各个方面体现了这个大陆的种种矛盾。
- He fell into a thorn bush and was covered with scratch. 他跌入荆棘丛,弄得伤痕累累。
- He's been a thorn in my side ever since he joined this department. 他自从到了这个部门就总让我不得安生。
- Like thine, when best he sings, is placed against a thorn. 与你相似,最佳时刻是被荆棘刺穿的时刻。
- He fell into a thorn bush and was covered with scratches. 他跌入荆棘丛,弄得伤痕累累。
- There's no rose without a thorn. 玫瑰皆有刺(快乐之中有痛苦)。
- Camel dung!$ You are indeed a thorn in my side. 骆驼屎!你实在是我们这边的一个倒刺。
- He pick a thorn out of one of his fingers. 他从手指上拨出一根刺。
- No house without a mouse,no throne without a thorn. 房屋有鼠,王位有剌。
- He was a thorn in the police rs flesh. 他是警方的眼中钉。
- It was to be a thorn in the side of the Dutch. 它将是荷兰人的苦恼。
- There is no rose without a thorn. 没有无刺的玫瑰。