- A tempestuous uprising;a riot. 暴动吵闹混乱的暴动
- A tempestuous uprising; a riot. 暴动吵闹混乱的暴动
- She burst into a tempestuous fit of anger. 她勃然大怒。
- a tempestuous uprising 混乱的暴动
- There will be a flooding rain; and you, O hailstones, will fall; and a tempestuous wind will break it down. 必有暴雨漫过;大冰雹阿,你们要降下;暴风也要吹裂这墙。
- After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts on icy November day. 他们在海上辗转颠簸了两个月之后,在酷寒的11月登上了陆地,登陆地位于现在的马萨诸塞州普利茅斯市。
- After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. 他们在海上颠簸了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现在的马萨诸塞州的普里茅斯登陆。
- But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon. 14不多几时,狂风从岛上扑下来,那风名叫友拉革罗。
- After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in Novermber, what is now Plymouth.,Massachusetts. 他们在海上颠簸折腾了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现在的马萨诸塞州的普里茅斯登陆。
- But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon. 不多几时,狂风从岛上扑下来,那风名叫友拉革罗。
- Spinelli's relationship with the striker has often been a tempestuous one, but he denied that it had caused an irrevocable split. 斯皮内利和卢卡雷利的关系常常紧张;但他否定了二人的关系会导致球队的一次必然的分裂.
- After a tempestuous two-month voyage on the MayFlower, the first Puritan settlers landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. 在五月花号历经了两个月狂风暴雨的航行后,船上的第一批清教徒移民终于在冰冷的十一月抵达了如今马萨诸塞州的普里茅斯港。
- They had fortitude and self-reliance, and in time of difficulty or peril stood up for the welfare of the state like a line of cliffs against a tempestuous tide. 他们坚定而自信,在困难和危险的时刻,为了国家利益挺身而出,犹如一面危崖迎击拍岸的怒涛。
- Though the couple had a tempestuous marriage off-screen (Desi was an unrepentant philanderer), the Ricardos' kisses showed the spark of real attraction. 虽然这对夫妻私底下有不平静的婚姻关系(戴西是个不知悔改的色胚),李卡度夫妻之吻仍冒出真实互相吸引的火花。
- At a tempestuous meeting on September 21st, frontbenchers attacked him for proposing a tax on homes worth over £1m to pay for exempting low-earners from income tax. 在9月21日一场激烈的会议上,前座议员对他进行了攻击,后者提议征收超过100万欧元的房屋税以免除低收入者的所得税。
- The Nanchang Uprising marked a new stage for the revolution. 南昌起义标志着革命进人了新阶段。
- What a tempestuous night. 好一个狂风暴雨之夜。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。