- The car raced roughly along in a swirl of pink dust. 汽车在一股粉红色尘土的漩涡中颠簸着快速前进。
- "What kind of things?" I asked, turning slightly as a hot breeze blew a swirl of dust about us. “什么样的事情?”一阵热风卷起了一股烟尘向我们袭来,我稍微侧了下身子,问道。
- Just as Yi Hong's mind was wandering, a rumbling sound suddenly reached them from afar, followed by a swirl of dust as a gray dragon sped up to them. 衣红正在胡思乱想,忽然听到远处传来轰隆轰隆声,紧接著土起尘扬,一条灰龙飞驰而至。
- Dancers spun in a swirl of skirts. 跳舞的人旋转着,裙子也不停地打转。
- She danced with a swirl of her skirt. 她飞旋着裙子跳舞。
- Just then there was a swirl of white and Old John disappeared. 正在这时,一道白光闪过,老约翰消失了。
- a swirl of dust 一阵尘埃滚滚
- The car had left the city and was now bumping over a none too smooth road on the outskirts, churning up a swirl of hot, choking yellow dust as it sped along. 汽车从都市区域里窜出来,此时在不很平坦的半泥路上跑,卷起了辣味的晒热了的黄尘。
- There is a fine layer of dust on the desk. 桌子上有一层薄薄的尘土。
- A fine layer of dust covers everything. 所有的东西都盖了一层薄薄的灰尘。
- The cityscape and its destruction thereof swims by in a haze of blurry gray, black and white flashes. Wind whistles through my helmet, then we're aboard the Phoenix and launching upwards in a swirl of leaves, grass and dust. 都市风景和它的破坏关于游泳被在模糊的灰色一片薄雾中,黑白的闪光。 转动口哨穿越我的钢盔, 然后我们搭乘凤凰城而且以上在树叶,草和灰尘的一个漩涡方面发射。
- The mirror is covered with a film of dust. 镜子蒙上了一层灰尘。
- I've got a speck of dust in my eye. 我眼睛里弄进了一粒灰尘。
- The motor car disappeared in eddy of dust. 汽车在一片扬尘的涡流中不见了。
- Mix in a swirl of your favorite syrup - Vanilla, Hazeinut, Almond, Caramel, Raspberry, Irish Cream and Chocolate. 不同口味的糖浆,包括香草,榛子,杏仁,焦糖,覆盆子,爱尔兰奶油,巧克力,任你选择。
- BeforeChina's dairy industry imploded in a swirl of tainted products, milk was a cash cow. 在中国的乳品行业被卷进受污染产品的旋涡之前,牛奶是一棵摇钱树。
- How pretty and fresh Cathleen had been that day in a swirl of blue organdie with fragrant roses at her sash and little black velvet slippers laced about her small ankles. 那天凯瑟琳多么漂亮和活泼啊,身着天蓝色蝉翼纱裙子,饰带上佩着玫瑰花,穿着娇小的黑天鹅绒便鞋,脚腕子上是一圈花边。
- Amid rousing music, he is portrayed in black and white, shrouded in pensive solitude by a swirl of cigarette smoke, reaching his momentous decision to nationalise the canal. 在催人奋进的音乐声中,黑白两色所描绘的他,一个人座在那里孤独的沉思,吸食香烟产生的烟雾袅袅向上,到达了他作出将运河国有化的重大决定时刻。
- The carriage left a trail of dust. 马车后扬起了一缕烟尘。
- On the other hand, would music be reduced to a swirl of background noise once you have it on in a constant flow around the clock? 另一方面,让歌曲一天到晚不断地在你耳边流淌,是否导致音乐沦为一种背景噪音呢?