- a stripe of contrasting color. 颜色明暗差别强烈的带子。
- Each white petal had a stripe of red. 每一片白色的花瓣上都有一条红色的条纹。
- When a gold coin is rubbed on a touchstone, it leaves a stripe of a particular color. 将试金石与金币摩擦,金币会在试金石上留下一条有特殊颜色的条痕。
- a strip or stripe of a contrasting color or material. 明暗差别强烈的颜色或质料的带子或斑文。
- John lost a stripe for being rude on parade. 约翰因在检阅时鲁莽失礼被降了一级。
- Use of contrasting elements in a work of art. 对照法艺术作品中对比主题的运用
- Mongolia's landscape is basically a strip of green beneath a stripe of blue, with the odd fluffs of white and slopes of emerald in between. 蒙古的大致景观,是一片绿色映衬于一片蔚蓝之下,其间点缀着零星白绒与翠绿的坡地。
- an oxford with a saddle of contrasting color. 鞋面有颜色对比鲜明的镶皮脊的一种便鞋。
- Passing the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket, credit card, or employee badge. 将条形码读入器的端部在商品标签、信用卡和雇员证的磁性编码条纹上扫掠以读入信息。
- A gem or shell carved in relief, especially one in which the raised design and the background consist of layers of contrasting colors. 石雕或贝雕用去除材料法镂刻的宝石或贝壳,尤其指那些图案凸起且背景由多层对比色组成的雕塑
- Janus is in the shadow of Saturn's rings, and is briefly lit by a stripe of sunlight as it passes behind a gap in the rings. 在土星的阴影;南半球的泰坦是由两个来源:阳光点燃散布在地球的戒指和折射阳光穿过边;土星的氛围。星星在这个形象遭长的相机曝光时间560秒来占领土卫六上发出的微弱的光线。(美国国家航空和宇宙航行局/ gps /太空科学学院)3.
- marked with bands or strips of contrasting color or texture 有颜色和质地形成对比的条或带
- John got a stripe for clever signaling work. 约翰由于信号工作做得聪明灵巧而被升了一级。
- marked with bands or strips of contrasting color or texture. 有颜色和质地形成对比的条或带。
- A narrow marking, as a stripe or band. 细长条纹一条窄标记,如条纹或带状物
- The Impact of Contrasting Color to Modern Comprehensive Color 斗彩对现代综合彩的影响
- By way of contrast oil can be transported large distance by pipeline. 不同的是,石油可以用输油管远距离输送。
- She sat under a striped umbrella. 她坐在一把条纹伞下。
- having spots or patches (small areas of contrasting color or texture). 有斑点或斑纹(颜色或质地形成对比的小的区域)。
- The cag A-positive has a clear electrophoretic stripe of 191bp. 每例cagA阳性的标本在 191bp的位置有一条清晰的电泳带。