- He undertook a strenuous task. 他接手一项艰巨的任务。
- Is swimming a strenuous exercise? 游泳是很费力的运动吗?
- Being on a strenuous bender, I had forgotten to sign a check. 由于酗酒过头,我在一张支票上忘记了签名。
- She is a strenuous supporter of women's rights. 她是妇女权利的积极支持者。
- We had a strenuous day moving into our new house. 我们辛苦一天,搬进了新居。
- A strenuous test of ability and endurance. 考验能力和毅力的艰苦测验
- She made a strenuous effort to force her mind to other questions. 她尽全力强迫自己去想别的问题。
- a strenuous task. 一项艰巨的任务
- It was evident that her physical strength could not support her strenuous task. 繁重的工作显然使她有些力不胜任。
- Further development of education remains a strenuous and pressing task in Tibet. 进一步发展西藏教育,仍是一个艰巨而紧迫的任务。
- The act or an instance of exerting, especially a strenuous effort. 发挥运用的行为或事例,尤指全力以赴的努力
- And after a strenuous workout, dog and human get to flop out. 在进行完一整套动作后,狗狗和主人开始练习瑜伽的休息术。
- The act or an instance of exerting,especially a strenuous effort. 发挥运用的行为或事例,尤指全力以赴的努力
- Being on a strenuous bender,I had forgotten to sign a check. 由于酗酒过头,我在一张支票上忘记了签名。
- That would be a strenuous job for father, who was fat. 父亲是一个胖子,走过去自然要费些事。
- A good goal is like a strenuous exercise-it makes you stretch. 一个好的目标就像一次剧烈活动,它能使你得到伸展。
- In a strenuous effort, she dragged her mind back to the present. 经过一番艰苦努力之后,她的想法又回到了现实。
- Sarkozy started feeling unwell during a strenuous jog on a hot afternoon. 萨科奇在一个炎热的下午进行负重慢跑时突感不适。
- They conquered the flood after a strenuous fight lasting four days and four nights. 经过四天四夜的苦战他们终于战胜了洪水。
- A part of this urgent task was allotted to us. 这项紧急任务的一部分分给了我们。