- a somnolent Sunday afternoon 使人昏昏欲睡的星期天下午
- He treated himself to a Sunday afternoon excursion [a good week-end holiday]. 他星期天下午出去游览了一番[他过了一个愉快的周末]。
- We watch a basketball match every Sunday afternoon. 我们每星期天下午去看篮球赛。
- I regret having wiled away a Sunday afternoon. 我后悔已经消磨掉星期天下午的好时光。
- It shouldn't be that bad on a Sunday afternoon. 星期日下午交通不应该这么糟呀。
- Rosie's family went on a drive on Sunday afternoon. 萝丝一家人星期天下午开车去兜风。
- Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. 渴望长生不老者以百万计,而这些人是一旦遇上了星期日下午的下雨天就都不晓得怎么打发日子的。
- We are sorry to drag you here on a Sunday afternoon. 很抱歉星期天下午硬把你拽到这儿来。
- Sunday afternoon visitors; lost the game to the visitors. 星期日下午的来访者; 输给了来访者
- Where were you on Sunday afternoon? 你星期天下午在哪里?
- I shall be disengaged on Sunday afternoon. 周日下午我有空。
- Uncle George likes to come over to chew the fat every Sunday afternoon. 乔治叔叔每星期天的下午都会过来闲聊一番。
- I met Comrade Yu by chance last Sunday afternoon. 上星期天下午我偶然遇到余同志。
- I went to the baseball game on Sunday afternoon. 我周日下午去了。
- I will be free on Sunday afternoon. 我星期六下午有空。
- I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon. 我要在星期日下午飞回家。
- May I come to see you on Sunday afternoon? 我星期天下午来看你好吗?
- I enjoy going to the park on Sunday afternoon. 我喜欢星期天下午去公园玩。
- Edna: I agree. I call them Sunday afternoon movies. 埃德娜:我同意。我把它们叫做“周日午后”电影。
- What do you do on sunday afternoon? 星期天下午你(一般)干些什么?