- Its endless Buildings look grey, its sky and its streets assume a sombre hue; the scattered, leafless trees and wind-Blown dust and paper But add to the general solemnity of colour. 那无数的楼房,那天空,那街道,都蒙上了一层灰暗的色调。光秃秃的树木以及在风中飞舞的灰尘和废纸,更增添了阴沉严峻的气氛。
- Its endless buildings look grey, its sky and its streets assume a sombre hue; 无边无际的房屋望去灰蒙蒙的,天空和街道也都染上了阴暗的色彩;
- Clara was full of a sombre preconception. 克拉拉心中充满了模糊的成见。
- This was a sombre sacrifice in lonely waters. 这是在幽僻的海域内的一次凄惨的牺牲。
- A sombre figure was there to meet us. 一个脸色阴沉的人在那儿迎接我们。
- We were at a sombre little party that evening. 那天晚会大家很沉闷。
- The year had ended on a sombre note. 那一年在一种沉闷的气氛中结束了。
- SECOND SOLDIER The Tetrarch has a sombre look. 士兵乙:国王板起了面孔。
- a sombre hue 暗色
- SECOND SOLDIER Yes, he has a sombre look. 士兵乙:是的,他板起了面孔。
- FIRST SOLDIER Yes, he has a sombre look. 士兵甲:是的,他板起了面孔。
- Already, at four o'clock, the sombre hue of night was thickening the air. 4点钟时,空中已是一片夜色朦胧。
- Her own dress was of the coarsest materials and the most sombre hue; with only that one ornament- the scarlet letter- which it was her doom to wear. 她自己的衣裙用的是最祖糙的料子和最晦暗的颜色,上面只有一件饰物,就是那红字--那是她注定非戴不可的。
- It has become a sombre and speechless load upon the senses. 这已转变成阴暗沉闷和难以形容的精神负担。
- A funeral is a sombre occasion. 葬礼是个忧郁的场合。
- The sadness of the scene imparted a sombre tinge to the feelings of Mr. Winkle. 景象的凄凉,使文克尔先生的心情带上了阴暗的色调。
- Before the sun rises it has a sombre feeling, quiet, far away, full of dignity. 在太阳升起前它有一种郁暗的感觉,很安静,远远的,充满了庄严。
- Asteroid 101, in the distant galaxy of Kraken is a sombre and dangerous place... 101号小行星,传说中是银河边缘一个黯淡的和危险的地方。
- It had diffused over the earth all the light which tyranny can give a sombre light. 凡是专制所能给予的光明,帝国都在世上普及了,那是一种暗淡的光。
- The new 2009 edition paints a sombre picture of how the world fared during George Bush's time in office. 2009年版的新报告描述了乔治布什执政时期暗无天日的世界图景。