- We washed faces in a sluggish stream. 我们在一条缓缓流动的小溪里洗脸。
- There is a sluggish stream. 那有一条流速缓慢的溪流。
- A sluggish stream that meanders through lowlands,marshes,or plantation grounds. 长沼一个蜿蜒流过低地、沼泽或庄园土地的流动缓慢的溪流
- A sluggish stream that meanders through lowlands, marshes, or plantation grounds. 长沼一个蜿蜒流过低地、沼泽或庄园土地的流动缓慢的溪流
- Below me in the valley rolled a sluggish stream of caribou, the large deer of the Canadian North. 在我下面的山谷中,加拿大北方的大鹿-驯鹿,正在川流不息地缓慢地向前移动。
- a sluggish stream; sluggish growth. 缓缓的小溪;缓慢的生长
- a sluggish stream;sluggish growth. 缓缓的小溪;缓慢的生长
- a sluggish stream that meanders through lowlands,marshes,or plantation grounds 一个蜿蜒流过低地、沼泽或庄园土地的流动缓慢的溪流
- A sluggish, sick human is easy to spot. 乏力,容易患病人类现货。
- The game got off to a sluggish start, but after half-time it fairly zipped along. 比赛开始时有些呆滞,可是反半场的节奏却相当轻快。
- Below me in the valley rolled a sluggish stream of caribou, the large deer of the Canadian North 在我下面的山谷中,加拿大北方的大鹿-驯鹿,正在川流不息地缓慢地向前移动。
- Overall, Odom has played better after a sluggish start. 总体来说,自赛季初状态不佳之后,奥多姆现在表现得已经不错了。
- a sluggish stream 缓滞的溪流
- a sluggish stream, pulse 流速缓慢的溪流﹑ 跳动缓慢的脉搏
- Knowledge flows through the company in a sluggish and erratic manner. 知识以一种缓慢的、无规律的方式在公司内流动。
- He has a sluggish mind and shows little interest in anything. 他生性怠惰,对任何事情都不大有兴趣。
- Your care was like a sluggish trickle of warm stream, Out flowing from the expression in your eyes, Nourishing those young hearts quietly like rain and dew for gentle flowers. 二十年前你的爱心是一股涓涓的暖流从你的表情、眼神中流淌而出静静地滋润青春心灵温柔花朵的雨露。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- He greeted me with a stream of abuse. 他见到我就连声辱骂。
- A sluggish America next year will be a hard inheritance for the next president. 一蹶不振的美国对下一任总统来说是个烫手的山芋。