- The thin connective tissue capsule around a silicone breast implant is shown here. 图示乳腺硅酮植入物的薄结缔组织被膜。
- Microscopic examination of the fibrous capsule from a silicone breast implant will often reveal the refractile silicone material as shown here, because this material gradually leaks out. 乳腺硅酮植入物纤维被膜镜检时常可显示出屈光性硅酮材料,起因于这种材料渐渐漏出。
- a silicone breast implant 硅酮隆胸植入物
- Joy Langan lost a breast to cancer and had had a silicone breast implant.She has since had the deice remoed. JoyLangan因癌症失去了一侧乳房,于是接受了单侧硅假体植入术,但之后她就让医生把假体取出来。
- NIH scientists were asked by Congress to study the safety of silicone breast implants. 美国国会要求国家卫生研究所的科学家们对乳房植入物硅酮的安全性进行研究。
- Officials of the Food and Drug Administration are considering banning most or all use of silicone breast implants,on the ground that their makers have not submitted adequate safety data. 食品与药物管理局的官员正考虑禁止使用大部或全部硅胶乳房填充物,因为制造商未将足够的安全资料送审。
- Here is a silicone breast implant. These implants are used for breast augmentation and for breast reconstruction following surgery. The silicone provides for a natural shape and feel. 图示隆胸术所用硅酮。手术可使乳腺形状再塑,体积增大。保持自然形状和触感是硅酮的特点。
- Officials of the Food and Drug Administration are considering banning most or all use of silicone breast implants, on the ground that their makers have not submitted adequate safety data. 食品与药物管理局的官员正考虑禁止使用大部或全部硅胶乳房填充物,因为制造商未将足够的安全资料送审。
- What uses will they find for a silicon chip? 他们将为硅片找到什么样的用途?
- One way is to interface it to a silicon chip. 方法之一就是把微生物放到一个硅芯片中。
- NIH scientists were asked by Congress to study the safety of silicone breast implants 美国国会要求国家卫生研究所的科学家们对乳房植入物硅酮的安全性进行研究。
- The fibrosis around a breast implant may produce deformity and pain in some women. 乳腺植入物周围的纤维化可能在某些妇女中引起变形与疼痛。
- silicone breast implants 硅酮乳房填充物
- Despite the apparent danger and frequent complications, this type of breast implant was popular among adult entertainers. 尽管明显并发症的危险和频繁;这种乳房植入物;深受成年艺人.
- Results: Capsular contracture, rupture of breast implant and psychological factors were the main causes for secondary correction of previously-failed augmentation mammaplasty. 结果:包膜挛缩、假体破裂和心理因素是隆乳术后再次手术的主要原因。
- Methods: Half-moon incision was designed.Breast reconstruction was performed with latissimus dorsal myocutaneous flap and surrounding fat tissue, without using breast implant. 方法:在背部设计半月形皮肤切口,切取背阔肌及周围脂肪组织,不应用乳房假体,进行即时或后期乳房再造。
- Mechanical Test Wafer - A silicon wafer used for testing purposes. 机械测试晶圆片-用于测试的晶圆片。
- Abstract: Objective: To introduce experience about modified radical mastectomy combined with breast reconstruction by silicone breast prosthesis for breast cancer. 文章摘要: 目的:介绍乳腺癌改良根治术同期假体植入乳房重建的经验。
- The first is a silicon nitride window sandwich (picture below). 第一种是氮化硅夹心窗(下图)。
- The first part of their investigation studied breast-cancer rates in 13,500 women who had breast implants (most of them silicone) and 4,000 who did not. Results: the implant patients showed no added risk for breast cancer when compared with the controls. 研究报告的第一部分表明,在13500个乳房植入者(大部分是硅酮)和4000个未做植入物的妇女中,乳腺癌发病率的结果是:与对照组比较,植入者并没有增加乳腺癌的患病几率。