- A shrill whistle rang out as a signal, a man over at the engine pulled a lever, a chain from the derrick was lowered, and the whistle rang out again. 随着一声尖锐的哨响作为信号,机器后面的人拉动手柄,起重机下的铰链徐徐降下,然后又是一声哨响。
- piercing screams; a shrill whistle. 尖声喊叫;尖利的汽笛声。
- The horse shied at the shrill whistle. 那匹马听到刺耳的汽笛声,惊得往后倒退。
- All was quiet until midnight, when suddenly a shrill whistling was heard in the air, and the two watchers perceived the Evil One standing bodily before them. 前半夜,一切都平安无事。到了后半夜,空中突然传来了一阵尖锐的呼啸声,两个守卫者竟发现魔鬼就站在他们面前。
- But he was interrupted by a shrill cackle. 但他的话被一阵刺耳的笑声打断。
- She had a shrill high-pitched voice. 她的声音高得刺耳。
- "Cheap!" cried a shrill voice in Mr. Bumble's ear. “便宜?”一个尖厉的声音在布班布尔先生耳际大叫。
- A medieval trumpet with a shrill, clear tone. 尖音小号,号角中世纪号角,能发出尖利、清晰的音响
- To make a shrill, discordant sound. 发出尖声发出尖厉的、不和谐的声音
- a shrill whistle 尖锐的汽笛声
- A shrill cry penetrated the silence. 一声尖叫划破了寂静.
- A shrill trumpet-call had pierced the air. 一阵刺耳的喇叭声响了起来。
- "More care!" said the old man in a shrill voice. “格外关心
- To laugh or talk in a shrill manner. 咯咯地笑尖声地笑或谈话
- The boys mother shouted his name in a shrill voice. 这男孩的妈妈用尖锐的声音叫他的名字。
- Two strong shrill whistles answered through the calm. 两声尖锐有力的口哨划破寂静回应了他。
- To speak shrilly;make a shrill sound. 尖嗓子高声说;尖叫
- To speak shrilly; make a shrill sound. 尖嗓子高声说;尖叫
- Helen let out a shrill cry when she catch sight of a snake. 海伦瞥见一条蛇,尖声喊叫起来。
- "Not like cats!" cried the Mouse in a shrill passionate voice. “不喜欢猫!”耗子激动地尖声叫道。