- It was a shabby mountain villa. 这是座破败的山庄。
- a shabby mountain villa 一座破败的山庄
- What a shabby way to treat your friend ! 如此对待朋友真卑鄙!
- Let's suppose that we are in a shabby hut. 想象一下我们住在一间很简陋的小房子里。
- He was a shabby stooped little drunkard. 他是个衣衫褴褛、伛腰曲背的小个子酒鬼。
- He even plays a shabby trick on his father. 他甚至同他的父亲玩弄卑鄙的手段。
- His clothes were in a shabby condition. 他的衣服很破旧。
- What a shabby trick,making me walk home! 多卑劣的诡计,害得我步行回家!
- Foreign friends visit Cuipin mountain villa. 外国友人游览翠屏山庄。
- What a shabby trick, making me walk home! 多卑劣的诡计,害得我步行回家!
- An old man, a shabby boat and a vast sea. 一个老人,一只破旧的船与一片茫茫大海。
- The family lives in a shabby shed near the dump. 这个家庭住在垃圾场附近的破旧小屋里。
- Please excuse me, this is a shabby hotel. 馆舍破陋,还请客人见谅。
- Asa and Elvira run a shabby religions mission in Kansas City. 阿萨和埃尔维拉在堪萨斯城办了一个寒酸的传教机构。
- Lighting, Audio and Computer Network for "Guangzhou Da-Fo-Kou Mountain Villa". "广州大佛口山庄"灯光音响、电脑网络。
- The taxi stopped in front of a shabby, third-rate hotel. 出租车在一家破旧的三流旅馆门口停下来。
- You have to pass the Jingogye mountain villa beside the resting place to go to Peak Noin. 虽然途中也有倾斜度大的上坡,但路程很短,可以轻松地爬上山顶。
- The third Reich was expiring, as it had begun, with a shabby lie. 第三帝国在弥留之际还在信口说瞎话,就象它在建立初一样。
- Were Chao Po-tao and Shang Chung-li playing a shabby trick on him? 抑或是赵伯韬和尚仲礼串通了在他头上来干新式的翻戏?
- In the storm, they found a shabby hut in the forest. 在暴风雪中,他们发现了一间简陋的小屋。