- Dear Colleagues,Autumn is a season for harvest. 各位同事,秋天是收获的季节。
- There is a season for work and for play. 玩也好,工作也好,都有个时候。
- And a season for every activity under heaven. 天下万务都有定时。
- a season for merriment. 娱乐季节
- Springtime,a season for rebirth and new beginings... 第三年,我在这里说,春天不再是发春的季节。
- It's a light affliction and will last but for a season. 这是一桩有点叫人头痛的事,它会折磨人一些时间,不过不会很长。
- Autumn is a lively season for the wool market. 秋天是毛织品畅销的季节。
- May be the season for this commodity on our market. 五月份是这种商品在我方市场上销售的季节。
- It comes cheaper if you have a season ticket. 你要中有月票。会合算一些。
- This is not the season for internal quarrels. 现在不是内部相争的时候。
- Summer is coming, a season for the fresh peas. Very cheap price for a lot of fresh and green peas. 夏天到了,盛产新鲜豌豆的季节。价格很便宜,两元钱就可以买到两斤新鲜,翠绿的豆荚。
- The crop that ripens or is gathered in a season. 收获物在一定季节成熟的或被收割的庄稼
- Autumn is a season for decoration, dry climate period, the plate can get damp wood, paint, paint easily dry. 秋季是一个适宜装修的季节,这段时间的气候干燥,木质板材不易返潮,涂料、油漆容易干。
- Winter is a good season for sports. 冬天是进行体育锻炼的好季节。
- Now is the best season for a picnic. 现在是野餐的最好季节。
- This time is a season for Cherry Blossom.Even though the sky is grayish, I still felt pleasant because the pink cherry blossom dotted along the road. 这次往乌来走,沿路山樱花盛开,虽然天空的颜色是灰濛濛的,但是有这些粉色的花朵装饰,依然让人觉得神清气爽。
- Autumn is a good season for travel. 秋季是旅行的好季节。
- It is a busy season for tourism. 这是个繁忙的旅游季节。
- It is a season that peasants reap the corn from what they planted in spring. 农民们春季播种玉米,现在是他们收获的季节。
- It will be a very tough season for Murcia. 对于穆尔西亚,这将是一个艰苦的赛季。