- A recent trend in literature. 文学的最近倾向。
- a recent trend in literature 文学的最近倾向。
- A recent trend in E-Business is the deployment of a variety of web services by product and service vendors to facilitate B2B and B2C E-commerce. 电子商务领域的新趋势是产品和服务的供应商为方便企业对企业(B2B)和企业对顾客(B2C)的电子商务而建立起的网络服务多样性.
- A price move in the opposite direction of a recent trend. 于近期的价格变化趋势相反的运动方向。
- Reconceptualizing Identity as a Recent Trend in Applied Linguistics 身份理论和应用语言学研究
- There occurred a recent trend of equalization between women and men in this country. 近来在这个国家出现了男女平等的潮流。
- A measurable figure in literature. 文学界的一个值得注意的人物
- She is a graduate student in literature. 她是个念文学的研究生。
- There occur a recent trend of equalization between women and men in this country. 近来在这个国家出现了男女平等的潮流
- In a recent incident two bombs exploded. 在最近一次事件中有两颗炸弹爆炸了。
- A combination of effective control and priority provision of new sewerage has reversed a recent declining trend in the water quality at beaches. 事实上,通过有效管制及优先提供污水处理设施,最近泳滩水质下降的趋势已纠正过来。
- The recent trend in operating system development is adopting microkernel architecture which holds such advantages as microminiaturization,modularity,portability and extendibility. 当今操作系统的发展趋势是采用微内核体系结构。
- This quartet represents a major new trend in modern music. 这首四重奏的曲子反映了现代音乐中一种主要的新趋向。
- A recent trend is the interest in good health, but many fads come from this trend: aerobic exercise, kickboxing, organic vegetables, or special diets like carbohydrate-counting. 一个最近的趋势是对良好健康的兴趣,但是许多流行来自这一个趋势:有氧性的运动,跆拳道,有机的蔬菜或特别的饮食像碳水化合物的计算。
- He still held a place of great mark in literature. 他仍然在文坛上占非常重要的地位。
- A recent trend is to develop lubricating oil additives as multifunctional as possible,while these additives based on polymethacrylate have not been widely studied. 开发多功能润滑油添加剂是目前发展的趋势,而基于聚甲基丙烯酸酯的多功能润滑油添加剂国内研究还很少。
- A masterpiece, especially in literature or art. 杰作尤其是文学或艺术中的杰作
- He destroyed feudal ideas in literature. 他摧毁了文学中的封建思想。
- Applying for Initial Public Offer (“IPO”) in Hong Kong is an efficient way to raise funds from the international finance market and thus has become a recent trend for private enterprises (“PEs”) in the Mainland. 国内民企通过在港上市融资从而进入国际融资市场是有效的途径,而且亦成为近年新趋势。
- War and peace is a constant theme in literature. 战争与和平是文学中永恒的主题。